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Libya 17 Feb

Streaming from Libya. UPDATE. The site manager for this stream has stated that Benghazi is in the hands of the revolutionary groups. He also adds that they are determined to move to Tripoli to free it. Among other things, he appealed for professional doctors who can do operations. Watch live streaming video from libya17feb at […]

I accuse : a writ of summons

Over the past few weeks the intelligent Maltese voter has had the opportunity to witness at first hand the abdication of its politicians from their duty as effective representatives. Two of the three branches of an effective democracy have been all but neutered and hijacked in the name of political opportunism. This opportunism is a […]


Such is the way of the world You can never know Just where to put all your faith And how will it grow Gonna rise up Burning back holes in dark memories Gonna rise up Turning mistakes into gold Such is the passage of time Too fast to fold And suddenly swallowed by signs Low […]

J'accuse Labs

I know I’ve been absent for a while but I’ve got a couple of excuses and they come in this order (a) work (lots of that), (b) I’m getting married in November, (c) I’m moving house in May, (d) J’accuse is currently undergoing some background tweaks in the little spare time that is left after […]