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Mubarak's Swansong

I used to rule the world Seas would rise when I gave the word Now in the morning I sleep alone Sweep the streets that I used to own I used to roll the dice Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes Listen as the crowd would sing: “Now the old king is dead! Long […]

Sans nous

Nous as in the platonian idea of intellect. Watching the first part of Toni Abela’s performance on TV I still cannot believe that this is what new PL is about. How can he equate a meeting of heads of state (PM Gonzi with Ben Ali) with the invitation of a disgraced Bulgarian socialist to a […]

Tunnel Vision (the addendum)

And his Master’s Voice is fast at work, eager to dispel the idea that this is just an exercise in mental entertainment. The Times carried an article yesterday entitled “Gozitans welcome tunnel idea”. Well J’accuse welcomes the idea too but does not believe in the timing. We are convinced that a time will come when […]

The Media and Egypt

ONE NEWS REPORTER Anthony David Gatt wrote this as a facebook note. J’accuse is posting it as a zolabyte with the author’s kind permission. It is his take on how the media – local and foreign – has dealt with the Egyptian uprising. As Anthony says, this note is a look at what is happening […]