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Snapshot: Church & State

I just had to post this again. It’s a photo taken from the (currently comatose) blog “il-manoċċa” of a newspaper poster from “il-Gens” which has since switched to being an e-paper. In these times of lay vs church battles and humanists and saints this photo tends to summarise it all neatly. For the non-Maltese readers […]

Balcony, Oh Balcony

Wikipedia’s post on balconies interestingly mentions specifically the “Maltese Balcony” as an example. Even more interesting was the origins of the word “balcony” itself from the Persian “بالكانه bālkāneh” which got me wondering whether Xerxes and Ataxerxes were into the habit of using balconies on solemn occasions. Historically the balcony has had an important role […]

Humpty Dumpty Politics

What makes or breaks a modern political party? Can we still talk of the terms “christian-democrat” and “socialist” (or the masacara “progressive”) when it comes to the nitty-gritty of politics in Malta? Is it just Malta that has entered a Bermuda Triangle of party values? The nationalist party might hold the “Fehmiet Bazici” (Basic Beliefs) […]


Readings for an Informed Divorce Debate. This is the first in a series of posts I intend to prepare for this blog with regard to the divorce debate. It’s all very well for us all to pontificate and prod each other with our preconceptions but where are we coming from and more importantly what are […]

The Ignorant Masses

James Debono penned a brilliant blog post that you can read here : There’s something about Labour. J’accuse agrees 100% with his assessment (see earlier post today “Sphinxes”) but we are not here for some general agree-fest. By browsing through the comments appended at the end of the article you get to understand what will […]


Listening to Tony Blair’s ideas about the North African Uprisings could have the effect of making your blood boil. The Born Again Catholic is sounding more and more like George W. every other minute. He is more concerned about the possibilities that democratisation would open up to Islam and Islamic parties than about the fact […]