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2010 – The Fausto Perspective (Part II)

Fausto continues his round-up of 2010. This time Jesus, vuvuzela and public services fall within range of his targeting. JESUS IN THE CLASSROOM Two millenia on and he’s still a source of controversy. The EHCR decided that rights were violated when Italian authorities refused to remove the crucifix from the classroom at the request of […]

Winter Wonderland

It has to be so. There’s the whole of Europe glazed in a thick coating of ice and snow and this island is literally basking in the sun. There’s this weird sensation of the weather outdoors being warmer than the humid indoors and their is the very very strange feeling of seeing a band of […]

2010 – The Fausto Perspective (Part I)

After the forced hiatus thanks to the great storms in central Europe J’accuse returns with a multi-part Zolabyte by Fausto Majistral. In this serialised perspective Fausto looks back at the salient moments of the year that is about to end. Here goes… LOCAL COUNCILS Here’s a thought to brighten your day: 2010 was the first […]

Travel Warning

J’accuse will be on the move from this afternoon. An early trip to Frankfurt to (hopefully) avoid the snowstorm and then an early flight to Malta tomorrow. Weather permitting, of course. We’ll be back blogging from P-ville from Saturday.

€672,037 – Finance this?

It’s been a great day for charity. The combined powers of PLPN have raised over half a million euros to cover the expenses of their ailing and needy houses. Who needs a law on party financing when the nation can practically give €1.50 per capita to the most needy among us? Of course that is […]