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The Currency of Salaries

Joseph Muscat has renounced the right to a salary increase that is due to him after a decision taken in parliament in 2008. Apparently half the parliament was unaware of this decision – a side-issue that begs the question of “Where the f**k were the guardians of the opposition benches that day?” Even if we […]

Snow (mobile report)

It’s been an incredible night. At around 1700 hours yesterday an incessant fall of snow started to cover the Grand Duchy. Within an hour it was absolute chaos. I could follow it from my vantage point in my office in Kirchberg which overlooks a main artery of the rush-hour traffic. My colleagues and I were […]

Personality of the Year (nominations)

For the third year running, this blog is selecting the “J’accuse Personality of the Year”. This may not be the TIME magazine but in our own little world we like to see which personality has struck our news critting minds most between January 2010 and December 2010. The rules are like a party political manifesto […]

Bażar (A. Olivari)

Being so close to Italy and italianate forms of entertainment it is strange that this island of ours has not absorbed more of its more interesting forms of culture. The Italians have that culture of singing poets – cantautori – who entertain and challenge at the same time. Their ballads and music are snapshots of […]

Marriage (Behind Closed Doors)

Our “President Emeritus” (sic – the Times)  hath spoken: “It is good we are still bound to the principle that marriage is for life and we should be proud of this” – quoth he. Dr Fenech Adami reminded the world that marriage was a contract that bound the individuals for life and this was the […]

Fishponds and Circuses

As far as virals go nothing could be more remotely uninteresting than the bland anti-circus promo that is going around on Facebook. Thank god for creative fellas like Cedric Vella who has breathed some life and humour into the whole thing using good old satyre and a remix. Blogger Markbiwwa alerted us to the alternative […]