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Information Overload?

Image by New Media Days via Flickr Wikileaks. It’s on everyone’s lips and laptops and risks becoming the first real flicker of life in some rudimentary form of global democracy. Or not. Until recently social collaboration and networking had their strongest point in the immediacy of transmission of information. Students rallied in record time and […]

The Confines of the Internet

I was assailed  by a sad thought while contemplating the shopping strategy for the purchase of the Secret Santa present at the work Christmas lunch. Without hesitating for even a second I had already subconsciously calculated that I would be in time to order the product – whatever it was – over the internet. And […]

Fo & Disinformation

We’ve had a busy day here in Luxemsnow. In lieu of the daily post I’m sharing an old video of Dario Fo describing the current society of “disinformation”. Normal service will be resumed shortly. “Non si va mai a delle cose vitali…” An early lament on the death of investigative journalism.

Dalli vs The Times (and the sidekick)

It’s interesting how on the day I put in context DCG’s mid-week comments on “fish-pondism”, the Times gives us a particular example of their attempts at creating their own fish-pond news. I don’t know why they bothered with an article entitled “Dalli speaks of Brussels term as four year sentence”: I mean the title would have […]

Live Now on Radju Malta

If you’ve tuned in to this blog on Saturday morning (27/11) between 9 and 10 am then you would do well to turn on, tune in and cop out. J’accuse goes live on Andrew Azzopardi’s talk show on Radju Malta at this very instant. Together with other guest speakers Alex Grech and Pamela Hansen Philip Bonanno, […]