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Un Mangia Mangia Generale (Calciopoli Revisited)

San Moratti has been relatively silent over the last few days. Probably mulling his next moves on how to make Juventus spend another couple of years in Serie B since his team seem to be returning to the normal place in the championship – the one they are used to: beneath Juventus. Meanwhile Uncle Fester […]

The "IVA" Deception

JPO is happily heading a coalition of sorts that will campaign for the introduction of divorce. While it is definitely encouraging that persons from both sides of the parliamentary divide can join with social powers that have been stonewalled out of the institution thanks to the PLPN rules it would seem that the very participants […]


Take a quick tour of the written and spoken media on the Maltese islands and you notice that such linguistic delicacies as “dutchboard” and “spartan plug” (dashboard and sparking plug) are not exclusive to the stereotypical “hamallu” that first springs to mind. One of the most painful recurrences on Facebook is the word that people […]