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Alert's Right of Reply

As I stated in the update to the previous post, Claudine Cassar of Alert Communications expressed her wish to make a few clarifications with regards to both the post as well as the stories circulating in the media about the launch of Trolleymania. The following is the full, unedited text of the email sent by […]

Story of an IT Fiasco – Trolleymania

Minutes after publishing this post I received a message from Alert Managing Director Claudine Cassar in which she expressed her desire to give her company’s point of view and highlight a few inaccuracies that were expressed in the post. I have invited Claudine Cassar to send me a write up that will be posted as […]

Faith No More

The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church is experiencing a veritable hemorrhage of members since Christian Democrat leader Päivi Räsänen presented what has been described as an “uncompromising, fundamentalist view” on the issue of homosexuality. Appearing on a TV programme, Päivi Räsänen described homosexual relations as “bad” and this provoked a flood of resignations from the church […]

Break Up

Tabloid Warning. It’s the Daily Mail speaking but it does quote YouGov research so I guess the material is “discussable” on an ephemeral level. The Daily Mail carries an article that claims that lack of love and (lack of) sex is driving the over-50s to divorce. Within the context of the whole divorce debate in […]

Those Influential Priests

The Church (in Malta) has spoken. Then again it has not. Seven men described by the Times as “high-profile” priests got together and fleshed out a declaration “about Conscience and Divorce”. The paper is described as follows by the Times: The paper is a personal initiative of the priests even though some of them occupy […]