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Legal Blackmail

More on the world of copyright infringement and threats to consumers. On January 26th 2010 Hansard records show a lively debate in the House of Lords concerning the Digital Economy Bill amendments. One of the hot issues in that was the bullying methods of copyright holders vis-à-vis internet consumers. Here is what Lord Lucas had […]

Labour's Redprint

From Ed to Joseph with love (inhobbok)… Here’s a summary of the main parts of Ed Miliband‘s new vision for New New Labour. It is advisable to familiarise oneself with these visions and terminology for you can expect Joseph Muscat and his Merry Band of Progressives to pilfer them like there is no tomorrow. (A […]

The Times, the Dreambox and the Partitioning of a Market

Yesterday’s Times of Malta once again gave priority to a news item related to the Dreambox and satellite TV usage. According to the latest figures one third of Maltese TV viewers watch TV via satellite. The Times distinguishes between satellite and “internet based TV connections like Dreambox” but in actual fact a Dreambox based connection […]

I.M. Jack – La Grippe

A day spent in the grips of  La Grippe (the common cold) meant a workday lost and blog day lost. Incredibly there’s more news to comment on than ever before – the storm we predicted a while ago is here and thank heavens for that. Here’s the snippets that we love best on I.M. Jack. […]

PerjuryGate – Justine's Dilemma

There’s one more thing that’s been at the back of my mind in this Chris Said saga. It took Justine Caruana quite some time to distance herself from the perjury challenge that was made by her client. We then got Roberto Montalto explaining to the press that “his client’s decision was not a personal vendetta […]

The Leap of Faith

Many are rushing to “apologise” to MP Justyne Caruana for the rash judgements they had made with regards to her potential role in the resignation of Chris Said from the post of Parliamentary Secretary. It’s an interesting development and one that requires a leap of faith. The association began yesterday when the press conference called […]