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Cultivating Ignorance

If Malta wasn’t sufficiently steeped in partisan ignorance, Inhobbkom Joseph would have to invent it. His latest intervention in the light of Chris Said’s resignation does not just defy logic but it creates a whole new universe of abject insensitivity, crass opportunism and is the political equivalent of the cheap whore that nobody would pay […]

Leading by Example – Chris Said

Like a bolt out of the blue (or “out of the blues” if you speak Jose Herrera English) we have just received the news of Chris Said’s resignation from  his post of Parliamentary Secretary. I have on previous occasions, had the opportunity to praise the sterling work and promise of PS Chris Said and can […]

Intercettati FC – Trema, intercettato, trema

An article from today’s webnews and opinion. The recent developments in the Napoli trials continue to confirm J’accuse’s line since 2006. Juventus was no more guilty than any other of the “rubacchioni” in the Serie A over the last twenty years. Juventus paid for a conflation of a “malcostume” because it was convenient for others […]

Through the Eyes of Fanatics (Limp Biscuit)

I have been trying to get hold of the opinion columns on MaltaToday since David Friggieri told me that he made a fleeting mention to the J’accuse column on The Malta Independent on Sunday in his own MaltaToday column last Sunday. Thanks to Online Editor Matthew Vella I finally got to read through the article […]

Living in Denial

The FKNK is busy ‘pouring scorn‘ on what they describe as an ‘alleged discovery’ of 70 (seventy) dead birds by CABS in the Mizieb valley. The war of attrition between FKNK/hunting community and the CABS/Birdlife coalition goes on. We’ve had another physical assault on CABS personnel who were inspecting an area for dead birds. Later […]

Masters of the Universe (Bruges)

Helena Dalli MP penned an article in today’s Times (Politicking in Lilliput) in which she attacked PN’s councillor Cyrus Engerer for daring to insinuate that Labour’s councillors had it in for him because he is gay. Tut tut. Here at J’accuse we can see where the Labour MP is coming from and we do not […]