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31.07.11 – End of the World?

What with all the Mayan calendars and other superstitious nonsense about the end of the world in 12.12.12 (jeez… thank god for Gregory and his tiny adjustments), the last thing we need is another freak announcement about the end of the world being nigh and all. Don’t fret. We don’t have any insider information just […]

All that Fuss in Sliema

Today’s breaking news is that Robert Webb lookalike Cyrus Engerer does not enjoy the confidence of the majority of Sliema councillors in his bid to be the new Deputy Mayor. The PN doo-doo is really piling high in that fortress of nationalist behaviour and there seems no end to the woes – disciplinary and others […]

Do You Feel Lucky?

Writing in yesterday’s Sunday Times, Inhobbkom Joseph told anybody who cared to listen that he was “deeply saddened” after the nation “experienced another frustrating and an-gering fireworks tragedy”. He went on to tell us that we have waited too long for legislation on fireworks and that he too lives in dread of the next explosion. […]