Constitutional Development

The Sale of Public Land

It’s 1626. A Dutch merchant has his eye on a peninsula of land in the region of the New World that the local natives (the Munsee/Lenape) called Manna-hatta (which literally means “the place for gathering wood to make the bows”). Place names tend to have this descriptive element in the local language – Żebbuġ. Għasri, Għajnsielem, Marsalforn. It’s the same the world over. Land is land and what it gives to the people who live on it.

According to a letter by Pieter Janszoon Schagen, Peter Minuit and Dutch colonists acquired the Manhattan peninsula on May 24, 1626, from unnamed Native American people, who are believed to have been Canarsee Indians of the Lenape in exchange for traded goods worth 60 guilders,

“The original inhabitants of the area were unfamiliar with the European notions and definitions of ownership rights. For the Indians, water, air and land could not be traded. Such exchanges would also be difficult in practical terms because many groups migrated between their summer and winter quarters. It can be concluded that both parties probably went home with totally different interpretations of the sales agreement.”

It gets interesting because it turns out that Minuit negotiated with the chief of the Canarsees, when it was the Weckquaesgeeks who actually mostly lived on Manhattan. It was an easy deal to obtain. The vendors would get the rights to a piece of land while the sellers… well the sellers had no concept of right to property and in any case they were nomadic people who actually had no real ties with that piece of land… at least not as much as another tribe who was not involved in the transaction.

Public land – land that belongs to the people. It forms part of the core concept of public goods (res publica). In roman law it was the concept of a good publicly held in common by the people. Res publica also refers to public affairs, affairs relating to the management of the common good. When public land is sold or managed, such sale or management is supposed to be transacted in the interest of the people and their common good.

Modern day republics entrust their governments with the management of public good. That is why transactions involving public land should be conducted with the utmost transparency and no amount of excuses of “commerical sensitivity” can hold water. Transparency is but one safeguard. Accountability to parliament, to watchdogs and to EU institutions is another. The sale of public land – when it is really necessary and justified must take place following the best standards that guarantee the public good is the foremost concern.

When the citizens of the nation fail to understand the importance of the monitoring of such processes then they are open to being conned time and time again by the next Peter Minuit. The tribal leaders of today’s demos who take advantage of this ignorance have little care of the consequences of their transactions. The trinkets and guilders of yesteryear have been transformed in the corrupt practices of today.

Oh foolish nation that allows itself to be led by jackals. The situation is desperate, there are crooks everywhere.

“quotus quisque reliquus qui rem publicam vidisset?
Igitur verso civitatis statu nihil usquam prisci et integri moris: omnes exuta aequalitate iussa principis aspectare…”

(How few were left who had seen the republic!
Thus the State had been revolutionised, and there was not a vestige left of the old sound morality. Stript of equality, all looked up to the commands of a sovereign…) – Tacitus, Annals (I, 3-4)

Retro J'accuse

La Liberta’

Vorrei essere libero, libero come un uomo.
Vorrei essere libero come un uomo.

Come un uomo appena nato
Che ha di fronte solamente la natura
E cammina dentro un bosco
Con la gioia di inseguire un’avventura.
Sempre libero e vitale
Fa l’amore come fosse un animale
Incosciente come un uomo
Compiaciuto della propria libertà.

La libertà non è star sopra un albero
Non è neanche il volo di un moscone
La libertà non è uno spazio libero
Libertà è partecipazione.

Vorrei essere libero, libero come un uomo.
Come un uomo che ha bisogno
Di spaziare con la propria fantasia
E che trova questo spazio
Solamente nella sua democrazia.
Che ha il diritto di votare
E che passa la sua vita a delegare
E nel farsi comandare
Ha trovato la sua nuova libertà.

La libertà non è star sopra un albero
Non è neanche avere un’opinione
La libertà non è uno spazio libero
Libertà è partecipazione.

La libertà non è star sopra un albero
Non è neanche il volo di un moscone
La libertà non è uno spazio libero
Libertà è partecipazione.

Vorrei essere libero, libero come un uomo.
Come l’uomo più evoluto
Che si innalza con la propria intelligenza
E che sfida la natura
Con la forza incontrastata della scienza
Con addosso l’entusiasmo
Di spaziare senza limiti nel cosmo
E convinto che la forza del pensiero
Sia la sola libertà.

La libertà non è star sopra un albero
Non è neanche un gesto o un’invenzione
La libertà non è uno spazio libero
Libertà è partecipazione.

La libertà non è star sopra un albero
Non è neanche il volo di un moscone
La libertà non è uno spazio libero
Libertà è partecipazione.


9 months


A nation of tree buggers

Strong winds in Luxembourg last night uprooted several trees around the country. Bad weather can be a bummer. That’s bad weather though, in Malta some idiot sitting at a desk decided to kill a tree that had lived through a world war because “it was becoming dangerous for passers by”. The most dangerous naturally occurring thing in Malta is ignorance and it’s spreading out of control.

Il-ballata tal-balluta. – Antonio Tufigno

Jien twelidt qabel il-gwerra, ma kien fini kważi xejn
Kont ftit iqsar minn sitt piedi, u lin-nies ħarist fl-għajnejn

Meta l-ħbit tal-għadu twettaq, fost adrenalina enormi
Min ifittex biex jistaħba, min inemmel bl-uniformi

Imbagħad kollox waqaf f’daqqa, ma baqgħex theżżiż jinħass
Qisha bdiet dinj’oħra kalma, u l-inkwiet maqtugħ b’imqass

Minn quddiemi jgħaddi kollox, ħafna postcards kuluriti
Moviment grazzjuz u varju, rġiel għax-xogħol liebsin puliti

L-għajjat li jdawwallek qalbek, ta’ tfal żgħar qed jieħdu gost
Għax kważi waslu l-Barrakka, ġiri u logħob sfrenat fil-post

Rużar Briffa ħosbien jgħaddi biex fuq bank jikteb bil-qegħda
U l-għarajjes intreċċjati lesti biex jagħmlu kull wegħda

Umbagħad wara xi elezzjoni tkun maħnuqa poplu l-pjazza
Ġemgħa orgażmika għax rebħet, logħba sfida u ġlieda mqaddsa

Sadattant ġibt ruħi sewwa, fini kważi żewġ sulari
U kuntenta b’ħajjti u posti, allavolja minhix rari

Drajt iż-żwiemel u l-karozzi, pjaċir wisq li tkun fil-qalba
Ta’ Belt hekk movimentata, u għal tibdil żgur m’għandix talba

Pero’ llejla ġew ħaddiema, ma jidhrux li ħbieb tal-ġonna
Kienu mgħaġġla, kienu koroh, kienu ‘ed jidgħu bil-Madonna

Issa ma nistax nitkellem jew inħoss sħana jew bard
Issa jien m’għadnix neżisti, għaliex jien dal-lejl sirt l-art.







(Ritratt u poezija migjuba bil-permess tal-awtur.)

Corruption Panamagate Rule of Law

Let the Pageant Begin

The irony of Pilatus being in prison on the cusp of Easter.

Barabbas must be pissing himself and Judas can feel the noose around his neck.


Citizenship Corruption Rule of Law


The situation is not desperate. Thousands flock to Spinola Bay to drink and revel. The memorial has been cleared (again) because someone somewhere has decided that we have a collective need to forget and it is his duty to help us do so. Political appointees and apparatchiks everywhere will once again deem it necessary to denigrate the acts of remembrance and will drum the following mantra into your head – this is the time to make hay, the sun is shining. All the while the law is made an ass and the safeguards of real freedom are broken down.

Remember, remember the 16th of October,
A car bomb, impunity and plot
We see no reason,
Why systemic treason,
Should ever be forgot.

#justice #daphnecrauanagalizia #impunity