Jasmine Politics

Bahrain & Yemen: What resolution?

The Yemeni Jamahariya and the Kingdom of the Two Seas have also been caught by the wildfire of the Jasmine revolution. In Bahrain the Shia 70% of the population has been ruled by the al-Khalifas and Sunni elite for over 200 years. The Sunni police and army of Bahrain are now being boosted by Sunni reinforcements from Pakistan, Yemen, Jordan and Syria. There is no doubt that the Bahraini troubles have a strong element of sectarian violence and this renders the politics of international intervention very different from that in Libya.

The Saudi’s, huge players in the regin, have worries of their own in the Eastern Shia province were there were calls for release of Shia prisoners. The US and West is distracted by the Libyan debacle and they still rely on the Arab support to give that particular action an international dimension. Intervention in the Middle East is further complicated by the fact that the ties with the Sunni leadership are much more intricate than those wrought enthusiastically with Gaddafi once the UN embargo was lifted.

Which leaves the only possible intervenors in the region as Ahmadinejad’s Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon – unsurprisingly mainly Shia territories. Iran’s hands are tied in much the same way as America’s in this sense. Any possibility of intervention by Iranian troops will be seen as an attempt to extend its sphere of influence in the region.

Whether it is Libya, Bahrain or Yemen that we are speaking on, it is increasingly evident that international assistance to national uprisings has to be able to withstand the possibility of being linked to “egoistic interest” of the intervenors. Whether it is oil, business or sectarian religious solidarity, no amount of UN resolutions will be able to mollify the realpolitik behind the reasons of one government’s intervention.

Another important issue that is being revisited on an international level is the question of the respect of sovereign integrity. We all saw the Libyan emissary briefing the press angrily about Libya’s indignation for foreign interference. The precedent being set here relates to whether the international community is prepared to sit back any longer and watch an elite in country X mistreat, kill and torture its own nationals – simply for the sake of “respecting territorial integrity”.

The lessons handed down to us in previous centuries combined with the increased levels of the values of the common heritage of human rights and the immediacy with which information about violations of such rights reaches the world will play a huge role in defining the new rules of the international scenario. Will Woodrow Wilson’s dream come true a century too late?

Jasmine Politics

My Deputy PM? …. I wouldn't say so

Sit down. Grab a zen ball or something to squeeze with your hands as you get angrier and angrier. This is the SKY interview with Malta’s Deputy Prime Minister Tonio “Gift of Life” Borg. Sure puts divorce debates into perspective.

Jasmine Politics

Jekk Alla Jrid

After Prime Minister Gonzi’s press conference, the first since the UN Security Council Declaration on the no-fly zone, I think I have figured out the man behind “par idejn sodi”. The position and attitude of Dr Gonzi in the name of, and at the head of, the Maltese nation is worthy of a bishop. Of an archbishop even. The position is not political. It is religious. You could fill the gaps in his press conference. The words to fill the gap are the Maltese “jekk alla jrid” (if God wills).

If God wills the guns will be put down. If God wills the Libyan leader who threatened bloodshed in the Mediterranean basin will suddenly develop a human side and will not proceed with the massacre. If God wills there will be no need of enforcing the no-fly zone because there would be no more fighting. If God wills we will not need to send planes from our island. If God wills we will remain the selective Florence Nightingale of the Mediterranean – the unsung heroes. If God wills the Malta Tourism Authority will remain the only authority reminding the world that all we care about is tourism – and that, hey, we are not a British base we are an independent republic that freed itself of the Brit oppressor (and NATO) in 1979. Jeez… haven’t you guys seen Gensna?

If God wills… Well, in God we trust… thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that for practical and assertive action there’s Britain, France and the USA.

(In un paese pieno di coglioni, ci mancano le palle. – J’accuse 2011 (reprise) )


Jasmine Politics


UN resolution: The key passage

The Security Council… Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

1. Demands the immediate establishment of a cease-fire and a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians;

2. Stresses the need to intensify efforts to find a solution to the crisis which responds to the legitimate demands of the Libyan people and notes the decisions of the Secretary-General to send his Special Envoy to Libya and of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union to send its ad hoc High Level Committee to Libya with the aim of facilitating dialogue to lead to the political reforms necessary to find a peaceful and sustainable solution;

3. Demands that the Libyan authorities comply with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law, human rights and refugee law and take all measures to protect civilians and meet their basic needs, and to ensure the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian assistance; protection of civilians

4. Authorizes Member States that have notified the Secretary-General, acting nationally or through regional organizations or arrangements, and acting in co-operation with the Secretary-General, to take all necessary measures, notwithstanding paragraph 9 of resolution 1970 (2011), to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, including Benghazi, while excluding a foreign occupation force of any form on any

part of Libyan territory, and requests the Member States concerned to inform the Secretary-General immediately of the measures they take pursuant to the authorization conferred by this paragraph which shall be immediately reported to the Security Council;

5. Recognizes the important role of the League of Arab States in matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security in the region and bearing in mind Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations, requests the Member States of the League of Arab States to cooperate with other Member States in the implementation of paragraph 4

The abstainers

Brazil: Has a long history of supporting pariah states.

India: Like Germany and Brazil, has no veto on Security Council. Its abstention came even as the US championed its promotion to permanent membership.

China: Usually abstains when it disapproves of a resolution, sparing its veto for issues of direct strategic interest. Its authoritarian government is concerned about setting precedents for interfering in a sovereign state.

Germany: Outspoken critic of the UK-French plans for a no-fly zone, saying it did not want to get sucked into a war.

Russia: Has its own internal problems, including in Caucasus. Unwilling to get involved in other countries’ affairs.

Source: The Independent (UK)

Jasmine Politics

Risks of a Libyan No-Fly Zone

RANIER FSADNI penned a brilliant article in today’s Times of Malta analysing the risks of a Libyan No-Fly Zone. He has kindly agreed for J’accuse to reproduce this article here as a Zolabyte:

As I write (Tuesday morning), Muammar Gaddafi is advancing east towards a showdown with Benghazi. Pressure is growing on the United Nations’ Security Council to approve the imposition of a no-fly zone in Libya.

The case is being made by the Libyan rebels as well as (most prominently) by France, the UK and the Arab League. The US has been troubled, however, by the consideration that military action could end up bolstering Libyan support for Col Gaddafi.

One can see why. At least three of the major assumptions behind the request are not as solid as they look.

First, it is assumed that the battle for Libya is a fight between the Libyan people, as a whole, and Col Gaddafi’s militias. However, there are important western centres that have conspicuously not committed themselves.

There is Tarhuna, with its major tribe, the Ferjan. There is Bani Walid, centre of the Warfalla, said to be a million strong. And there are the two major tribes of the south, the Magarha and the Awlad Suleiman. Between them, these tribes dominate large parts of Tripolitania, down to the south proper. If they take a stand, several smaller tribes are likely to join them.

All four have branches settled in Sirte and its hinterland, which means they are settled on the major boundary the rebel army in the east has to cross. And they are inter-married with Col Gaddafi’s tribe, the Gadadfa.

They have not taken a formal stand for Col Gaddafi. (However, on Tuesday, Libyan state TV announced a letter of support from a group of unnamed representatives of Tarhuna.) But neither have they taken an unequivocal stand with the rebels. Occasional reports concerning the Warfalla have come to nothing so far.

So, what would these tribes do in the face of the considerable military aggression needed to impose a no-fly zone? They all have a proud history of anti-colonial struggle. So do the tribes of the east but the imposition of a no-fly zone is more likely to afflict the western tribes with inevitable “collateral damage”, the accidental killing of civilian men, women and children.

I’m not sure anyone knows the answer to that question. But if Col Gaddafi persuades that the allied attacks constitute imperial aggression, the no-fly zone could end up sparking the civil war that has so far been avoided.

The second assumption is that the rebels do want a no-fly zone. They are, of course, explicitly requesting it and recognising that it would entail bludgeoning attacks on Libyan territory. But it is not clear their understanding of one of their key conditions – no foreign ground troops – is the same as that of, say, a supporter like US Senator John Kerry.

When one of the rebel leaders sought to illustrate what he meant, he said that, of course, if a foreign pilot’s plane was shot down, it would be all right if he parachuted himself down to Libyan territory – “he would be our guest”. It is indicative of how strictly the rebels reject the idea of foreign ground troops that it was thought worth pointing out that concession.

In any case, however, the likelihood is that a pilot would bail out far closer to Col Gaddafi’s forces.

And the record of the US and UK armies is that they send troops on helicopter gunships to rescue soldiers stranded behind enemy lines. Nor is it to be excluded (a notorious case arose in Afghanistan) that stranded soldiers may need to decide, at short notice, whether to kill civilians who have accidentally discovered their hideout.

In short, the distinction between a no-fly zone and ground troops could be messy in practice. Even if the rebel leaders relent on their current firm rejection of any foreign troops on Libyan soil, specific incidents may give them a difficult time with their own people. The third assumption is that regional Arab involvement in a no-fly zone unequivocally aids the effort. Not necessarily; it depends on whose narrative carries the day.

Libyan state TV is portraying the Arab League’s secretary general, Amre Moussa, as a munafiq (hypocrite, but with connotations of treachery in Islamic history), bribed with US support for his presidential candidacy in Egypt. News of Egypt resuming exports of gas to Israel has been given prominence. The narrative of US/Israeli control over oil supplies and the Arab world is being pushed.

It may gain currency if the US continues to take a meeker stance in response to state repression of protests in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. A weak stance may indeed be the price the US has to pay for Saudi support in Libya. In that case, however, it would be easier for Col Gaddafi to portray US concerns over violence in Libya as a hypocritical pretext, with the real motive being control over oil.

Individually, each of these risks can be mitigated. In combination, they must feature prominently in the calculations of the US and Col Gaddafi as they assess what lies within grasp and what could be fatal overreach.

Zolabytes is a rubrique on J’accuse – the name is a nod to the original J’accuser (Emile Zola) and a building block of the digital age (byte). Zolabytes is intended to be a collection of guest contributions in the spirit of discussion that has been promoted by J’accuse on the online Maltese political scene for 5 years.
Opinions expressed in zolabyte contributions are those of the author in question. Opinions appearing on zolabytes do not necessarily reflect the editorial line of J’accuse the blog.

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Jasmine Politics


At 8pm on the 27th September 1938, Neville Chamberlain, UK Prime Minister broadcast to the nation:

“How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying on gas-masks here because of a quarrel in a faraway country between people of whom we know nothing”.

The “people of whom we know nothing” were the Czechs, Slovaks and Germans in the Sudetenland. Chamberlain would go on to sign the Munich Agreement with “the German Chancellor Herr Hitler”. A year later he would be declaring war on Herr Hitler following the invasion of Poland.

Peace in our time? Go tell it to the rebels in Brega.