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The Maltese Race

It’s almost eleven o’clock on Sunday morning. In my church going days this was the time for the infamous Sunday mass ritual complete with sermon, parade and chit chat on the church parvis just before heading off to Sunday lunch. For a long time through my childhood and adolescence we counted the mores and values […]

That topless obsession

The Malta Police have issued a video with a number of tips for tourists. This is a commendable effort aimed at informing tourists of their rights and obligations while holidaying on the island of milk and honey. I’m assuming that this is a serious effort and not some kind of parody and once again – […]

How they see dead people

Listening to French radio this morning (it could have been any radio really) I heard about the gigantic efforts deployed by China in order to locate the lost Malaysian airlines plane. At one point the Chinese PM was reported as saying how important it was for China to find the lost plane – because “we […]

The Justice Dispensers

The Supreme Court building in New York sports a quote spread along its facade. Attributed to George Washington it states “The true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government”. There are many other quips in similar vein that can be formed into a digest of civic education necessary to form a Havel-inspired […]

Getting selfies right

In an article entitled “Sharing explicit selfies without consent may be made illegal“, the Times reports that Social Dialogue Minister Helena Dalli has reacted to the current furore on selfies. Minister Dalli is quoted as saying that “the sharing of explicit material without a person’s consent is a clear breach of data protection”. It is […]

It-tiftixa tal-klassi mitlufa mill-fond ta’ pultruni sħan

Dan l-aħħar dan il-blog ġie akkużat li kien “klassist” u “elitist”. Ġie appik dak il-kumment għax kont diġa fi proċess ta’ thewdin u ħsieb dwar dan il-kunċett ta’ klassi. Fuq diskursata li kienet għaddejja fuq Facebook kont tfajt (iktar bi provokazzjoni milli b’konvinzjoni) li l-“klassi” hija mejta. Mhux għax nemmen li l-idea, il-kunċett astratt ta’ […]