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The politics behind Snowden

Edward Snowden is on the run. The US government is attempting to get the former CIA employee and contractor for the NSA  extradited after he shared classified material with the international press – namely with the UK’s Guardian. Snowden’s first leak activity took place in Hong Kong, safely wrapped in a series of laws and […]

il-Maltin ta’ barra

Kemm idum Malti il-Malti ta’ barra? Hemm xi sustanza fl-eteru li żżommu Malti għal dejjem jew hemm xi punt li minnu ma jistax jerġa’ lura? Malti tibqa’ għal dejjem għax Malta art twelidek u Malti l-ilsien li tagħtek ommok (jew forsi xi sekondarja wara ħafna tlaqliq, like). Imma hemm xi mument allura meta l-Malti barra […]

Private dancer?

A news item on a Belgian radio last week spoke of how students were turning to new forms of income to subsidise their studies. One form of income was a new service being provided whereby students agreed to perform cleaning services (the French term is “technicien des surfaces”) while wearing sexy underwear. Persons buying the […]


You’ve probably by now seen the news clip featuring Charles Ramsey the saviour of the 10-year captives in Cleveland, Ohio. News crews have been roaming the neighbourhood trying to obtain different angles from neighbours in the area. How long had you lived nearby? Had you noticed anything strange? The usual really. We saw the same […]

Parties crossing the threshold of faith

If René Descartes and Anselm of Canterbury met in a fictitious room in some other dimension we cannot be sure what the resulting conversation would be. Provided they overcome linguistic difficulties of sorts (but heck, if we create the fictitious room we can create a Douglas Adams Babel Fish – or they could just both […]

Monkeys and salary caps

The first thing that you must know is that to a capuchin monkey a grape is much more valuable than a cucumber. It will work (perform a task) for the price of a cucumber but given the choice it would prefer working for a grape. Grapes, in capuchin monkey world, are more valuable than cucumber […]