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Strasbourg on embryo screening

In what is set to be a landmark judgement, the Strasbourg based European Court of Human Rights held that an Italian ban that prevented a couple of healthy carriers of a genetic disease (cystic fibrosis) from screening embryos for in vitro fertilisation was in violation of their right to respect for their private and family […]

Nazzjon medjokri?

Żgur Brittania Għaddew Olimpijadi oħra. Il-Brittanniċċi saħħruna għal darb’oħra bir-rikkezza ta’ pajjiżhom u bil-għana ta’ l-istorja millenarja ta’ gżirithom. Kienu inkwetaw li ma humiex se jkunu “up to standard“. Inkwetaw li wara l-immensita Ċiniza kienu se jidhru ċkejknin u amatorjali. Minflok kull min seta’ jixhed iċ-ċerimonji ta’ ftuħ u għeluq l-Olimpijadi kellu mafkar tajjeb ta’ […]

Taxi Taxi

How many more times will we see taxis speed through the streets of Paceville as though their life depended on rounding the next corner like a crazy Le Mans driver? I  went out for dinner with the family in our home urban conglomerate yesterday and walking back home past Burger King in the direction of […]

The IVF conundrum

I have been meaning to blog about the controversy that is the new IVF bill and reactions thereto. Setting aside the position taken by the church – a position to which it is entitled but which should obviously not be taken as the universal truth in a secular society – there is also the position […]

Qabel ma konna xejn

Tismagħom jitlewmu dwar festi nazzjonali u tibda taħseb u tehwden int ukoll bla ma trid. Jgħidulek li qabel ma sirna indipendenti konna dejjem niddependu mill-barrani. Biex ksibna l-kostituzzjoni tas-64 konna xbajna telgħin u neżlin Londra nittalbu bis-sassla. U l-kolonjalist jitnejjek bina bejn bid-‘divide and rule’, bejn bil-‘language question’ bil-Malti lingwa tal-kċina u bejn bil-poteri tal-‘gvern’ […]