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Ħa ngħidilkom ghaliex meta smajt l-aħbar li ħalliena Ċensu Tabone ħsiebi mar fil-parapett. Kont kbirt biżżejjed biex inkun nista nitlaq ‘il bogħod minn taħt għajnejn il-ġenituri. Dak iż-żmien Marsalforn kien għadu r-renju inkontestat tat-tfal fejn kull bieba kienet miftuħa, kull parapett kien jilqgħek u l-omm ixxurtjata tal-mument kienet issib kotra tfal jiġru ħafja wara l-bieb […]

Police in their head

I barely had time to take a break when the news on the papers confirmed another of my nauseating rants that I tend to visit every now and then. Minister De Marco announced on Monday that there is nothing in Maltese law that outlaws giving politicians the satirical treatment – especially on the days of […]

Fighting the law and winning – Censorship

University Rector Juanito Camilleri has  indicated that he would not have reported an undergraduate to police for publishing an explicit story in a student newspaper had the law been clearer, though he sees no reason to apologise. Now that’s interesting. Here is the rector: “Whether it is a fictional story or not is beside the point […]

Think Different (1955-2011)

Is it hyperbolic of me to describe the death of Steve Jobs as something on the similar scale as living in the time of Galileo Galilei and being told of his death? Much will be written by many in acknowledgement of the greatness of this man and his impact on the globe. Us willing Apple […]

Dio é morto

Mi han detto che questa mia generazione ormai non crede in ciò che spesso han mascherato con la fede, nei miti eterni della patria o dell’ eroe perchè è venuto ormai il momento di negare tutto ciò che è falsità, le fedi fatte di abitudine e paura, una politica che è solo far carriera, il […]