

Ħa ngħidilkom ghaliex meta smajt l-aħbar li ħalliena Ċensu Tabone ħsiebi mar fil-parapett. Kont kbirt biżżejjed biex inkun nista nitlaq ‘il bogħod minn taħt għajnejn il-ġenituri. Dak iż-żmien Marsalforn kien għadu r-renju inkontestat tat-tfal fejn kull bieba kienet miftuħa, kull parapett kien jilqgħek u l-omm ixxurtjata tal-mument kienet issib kotra tfal jiġru ħafja wara l-bieb qed iħejju għad-doveri imqarba tal-jum. Sajf jew xitwa, Milied, Għid jew Karnival konna niltaqgħu. L-Għawdxin ta’ barra, il-Maltin imnissla minn Għawdxin u l-Għawdxin D.O.K.

Il-btala kienu jfissru il-bidu tad-divertiment. Roti jiġru mas-saqajn mill-Menqa sal-breakwater u tfal ma kullimkien jiskopru d-dinja u lil xulxin mingħajr ebda biżgħa u  l-uniku rażan kien il-homework li għadu ma tlestiex (jew jekk kont kemm kemm ikbar l-istudju għall-O level li għadek trid tagħmel). L-irkejjen kollha konna nafuhom – miz-zuntier tal-knisja ta’ Dun Marjan sal-buskett ta’ fuq il-parking li għalina kien bosk infinit. Kien hemm rokna speċjali għal dawk fostna li konna ninzertaw dawk il-ġimgħat kmieni tal-Għid qabel ma jaslu il-Maltin. Kien parapett enormi (kollox suġġettiv meta tkun żgħir) li kien jmiss ma’ tarf in-niżla tat-triq li mir-Rabat twassal għal Marsalforn.

Hemm, f’dik il-kantuniera bejn il-Marsalforn Hotel  u l-Lantern,  intlagħbu l-ikbar logħbiet tal-ballun li qatt raw dawn il-gżejjer. Kemm il-darba niżlu jilgħabu il-Liverpool ta’ Dalglish u l-Juventus ta’ Platini lanqas ma tista’ tgħoddhom. U fis-skiet għażżien ta’ tard filgħodu qabel ma tinstema’ kbira l-għajta għall-ikel kien ikun hemm elf għajta oħra ta’ “goooowl”… Ma kienx isir logħob biss meta’ l-persjani tad-dar tal-parapett kienu miftuħa għax dak kien ifisser li kienu ġew is-sidien u s-sinjura żgur ma kenitx tieħu gost bit-tambir tal-ballun jirbombja kontra l-injam (tal-ġild jekk jogħġbok mhux xi SuperTele kwalunkwe).

U l-ħafna drabi meta l-logħba tal-ballun tkun imprattikabbli minħabba l-wasla tas-sidien ma kien ikun ġara xejn. Għax il-wasla tagħhom kienet tfisser li waslet ukoll il-familja estiża ta’ tfal u neputijiet. Allura erħilna ilkoll lejn il-wied… kollha kemm aħna… Ċensu (jnr), Mikela, Francesca, Mark, Joe, Andrew, Nicky, Nicola, Paula, Joanna, John u… u … il-lista kienet infinta daqs il-familja enormi… (skużawni jekk insejt lil xi ħadd). Ta’ tfal li aħna konna insibu dejjem biex negħdew.

U meta fis-87 rajthom bit t-shirt ta’ Ċensu Tabone, dak li kien in-nannu ħa lewn ieħor. U bqajt insegwih kemm dam fil-politika minn dakinhar. Segewejtu avolja kien għażel li jibni fuq il-parapett u jestendi d-dar. Hekk jew b’hekk sa dakinhar żmien il-logħob kien għadda u Marsalforn kien sar iktar post fejn infittxu l-ewwel namrati. U mhux se tmur tinnamra fil-parapett tal-Ministru hux?

Ċensu ma baqax biss in-nannu ta’ sħabi iżda sar ukoll il-politiku li missu ikun xempju għal dawn l-iskuża ta’ politikanti li għandna illum. Sar President u wettaq dmirijietu lejn il-pajjiż. Baqa’ jitkellem b’dak l-aċċent inimitabbli Għawdxi li kien jagħmlu iktar ġenwin. Il-figura tan-nannu Ċens kienet saret dik ta’ – kif isejħulu l-Ingliżi – a statesman. Tajjeb li jibqa’ imfakkar hekk.

Imma għalija jibqa’ l-ewwel haġa li tiġini f’moħħi. Dak il-parapett….

Strieħ fil-paċi nannu Ċens.

Min hawn nixtieq nagħti l-għomor lill-familja kollha ta’ Ċensu Tabone – wieħed mill-aħħar politiċi popolari tas-seklu għoxrin.





Prostitution in Malta (a brief idiot’s guide)

No I am not about to list the best way to go about obtaining sexual favours at a price in Malta. I honestly would have no clue how to go about it although I am familiar with the popular locations from Maltese lore where Malta’s equivalent of the Trastevere species would prowl in search for clients. Nope this is not it. Think of this as a sort of factoid collection centred around the oldest profession in the world and how it is regulated in Malta (or isn’t). And the basic, mind blowing premise is this: PROSTITUTION IS NOT ILLEGAL IN MALTA.

Yes. Contrary to public perception, there is nothing in the Criminal Code or elsewhere for that matter that prohibits me, you or anyone from earning a bit of money by performing sexual favours in return of a proportionate (or cut-price for that matter) remuneration. Really? Really. So where do the problems with the law start. Let me tell you where…

1. The Criminal Code

Take the criminal code – a simple CTRL + F of the term prostitution will lead you to two interesting discoveries. First that “prostitution” is never defined. Secondly whenever the term prostitution is used it is within the context of preventing someone (whether a minor or an adult) from being forced violently or through deceit into prostitution. Basically you CAN be a prostitute but ONLY if you choose to be one out of your own free will. The biblical profession is legal. And that my friends is a fact.

2. So what is illegal?

Most crimes linked to prostitution relate mostly to exploitation. Thus any form of what is called “White Slave Traffic” is a crime. It is linked to what I said earlier. You can never oblige someone to become a prostitute or deceive someone into becoming one. It is definitely a crime to live off the profits of other people’s prostitution (the vernacular “pimp” – the Roman Law crime of “lenocinium”). Interestingly one of the civil law conditions that is an automatic ground for the termination of rent is the use of the rental property for the purposes of prostitution (article 1618 of the Civil Code). Another civil law consequence of prostitution is the possibility to disinherit a descendant if he or she is a prostitute “without the connivance of the testator” (article 623).

A person who is soliciting for prostitution – or prowling the public side walks for clients is susceptible to being charged with a contravention of disturbing the public peace. The reason behind such a contravention would probably be – to put it bluntly – that you are free to dispose of your body as you choose and satisfy as many people as you like in return of payment as much as you want BUT don’t do it in our face. Don’t forget that other contraventions under our criminal code include such things as the prohibition to lead an idle and vagrant life, the prohibition of pretending to be a diviner of dreams,  and the prohibition of driving animals (whether beasts of burden or riding animals) over a drawbridge otherwise than at an amble (you’ve gotta love those speed cameras).

There’s the general low down on all things prostitute. All the usual disclaimers of this blog apply including any exclusion of liability should anyone wrongly choose to rely on this content as though it were the bible truth.



Police in their head

I barely had time to take a break when the news on the papers confirmed another of my nauseating rants that I tend to visit every now and then. Minister De Marco announced on Monday that there is nothing in Maltese law that outlaws giving politicians the satirical treatment – especially on the days of carnival. Only last week I was on the phone with a MaltaToday journalist asking them what source they had to back the statement that Maltese laws prohibited political satire. None apparently – other than some remote colonial ordinance.

It was rather weird. What with all the flourishing of satirical videos (see our home made shtf for a prime example), memes and posters it would be rather silly to have a prohibition that was restricted particularly to that time of the year when humour should reign. There we were though, for decades, claiming “fascist censorship” and criticising inexistent laws. Why? Because the big brother rule suits us. It’s a throwback to the Li Tkisser Sewwi saga – the laws are not to blame… it’s a worse, worse censor – and that’s the one in your head.

The men in uniform are not entirely free of blame. When they actually decide to proceed on a charge of slander because some activist called a politician “pulcinell” they are stretching the letter of the law to an inapplicable limit. Lest you wonder whether the police are obliged to report … they aren’t. They can opt not to follow what they might perceive to be a frivolous report and there IS a safeguard protecting anyone who feels that he is being ignored. He can in turn challenge the police in court to proceed with the prosecution.

Instead of following a perfectly rational law we have evolved a system whereby there is an assumption that the police are dutybound to prosecute every time some belligerent fool decides to wave the long arm of the law in what he presumes to be his favour. I repeat. They aren’t.

So what is really happening? We have a combination of police in our heads that have been put there by decades of hearsay and myths and legends and we have a police force that is wittingly or unwittingly abetting the wrong application of the law.

J’accuse insists that the best solution is education. Educate the citizens about their rights and educate the prosecuting section of the police to filter the suits in a more efficient and reasonable manner. In one fell swoop we could shift from Banana Republic to a decent system managed by that great rule of law.

We are servants of the law so that we may be free. Simples.


for Satire don’t forget to check out

Internet Rights Politics Values

Fighting the law and winning – Censorship

University Rector Juanito Camilleri has  indicated that he would not have reported an undergraduate to police for publishing an explicit story in a student newspaper had the law been clearer, though he sees no reason to apologise. Now that’s interesting. Here is the rector:

“Whether it is a fictional story or not is beside the point as far as I am concerned. I was not acting from a moral standpoint, nor as a literary critic… I acted with prudence and referred the matter to the police for their consideration because it was not at all clear whether the text, the way it was presented without disclaimer, and the way it was being distributed, even to minors, was in breach of the law or not.”

It’s hard to get this straight. The rector was, by his own admission, acting on legal advice – as he should in such cases. It should be safe to assume that the legal advisor was a little more clear about the import of the law than that and yet he or she still advised a referral to the police. In this particular case (hereafter referred to as the Realtà Case) we had a case that dragged two persons (author and editor) and that involved a police prosecution as well as an AG appeal. At stake, according to many was our “freedom of expression”.

“People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish… but that’s only if it’s done properly.”  – Banksy

If it ain’t broke…

What really was at stake was a definition of our laws on obscenity in accordance to the mores of the day. In simpler terms – we have a law intended to protect citizens (especially those who are unable to protect themselves) from obscenity and pornography. The basic assumption in our law is that you can publish and be damned. What you cannot do is publish something that can be deemed to be obscene (I’ll stick to one out of the two). IF there is a suspicion of obscenity you still have exceptional circumstances that would protect the publication from attack: one of these is generally (and vaguely -as Anti-Acta campaigners would have it) is art.

There lies the crux of the matter. In order for this law to work you need to define a piece of work as “art”. Away from the philosophical world of “what is art?” you still need a qualification in order to have a law that works and, ironically, that is not intrusive. The issue with this kind of law is that it is time-sensitive. It needs to be tested time and time again as mores and attitude changes. Let’s exaggerate for the sake of example. Imagine one exception to obscenity is if it was a piece of “music”. I love to use the example of Igor Stravinsky’s Rites of Spring. At it’s premier, the piece of “music” was violently criticised as being anything but.  Here’s good old Wikipedia describing the goings on in Paris that night in May 1913:

The première involved one of the most famous classical music riots in history. The intensely rhythmic score and primitive scenario and choreography shocked the audience that was accustomed to the elegant conventions of classical ballet. The evening’s program began with another Stravinsky piece entitled “Les Sylphides.” This was followed by, “The Rite of Spring”. The complex music and violent dance steps depicting fertility rites first drew catcalls and whistles from the crowd. At the start, some members of the audience began to boo loudly. There were loud arguments in the audience between supporters and opponents of the work. These were soon followed by shouts and fistfights in the aisles. The unrest in the audience eventually degenerated into a riot. The Paris police arrived by intermission, but they restored only limited order. Chaos reigned for the remainder of the performance.

To add to the intrigue various historians allege that Stravinsky actually invented the stories of the riots to spice up the reception to his new music but that is not my point. Discussions on art and its nature can be highly controversial and many would agree that the place to discuss this would not be the straightjacket chamber of a law court. The point is though that the rules of society that allow us to coexist need take into consideration the right of an artist to express himself conjointly with the right of weaker members of society not to be harmed. Having an exception to obscenity laws which is based on a legal definition of art carries baggage with it.

So yes, Alex Vella Gera and Mark Camilleri were inconvenienced by the immediate need to “update” the definition of art. The law is not unclear though. It is a necessary law that need not be tampered with. All you need to do is imagine the law prohibiting obscenity without qualifying exceptional circumstances such as art. Can you imagine that? I hear you now yelling “self-censorship” as though it is only now that we discovered such a maravilious concept. Self-censorship is obviously one of the basic implied precepts of most of our freedoms at law. Not just in our law but in basic Human Rights texts. Fighting the law to obtain “better” definitions of what can or cannot be published or produced is counter-productive. It is a naive invitation to the dabblers in law to create faulty legislation by attempting to define the undefineable.

“Policemen and security guards wear hats with a peak that comes down low over their eyes. Apparently this is for psychological reasons. Eyebrows are very expressive and you appear a lot more authoritative if you keep them covered up. The advantage of this is that it makes a lot harder for cops to see anything more than six foot off the ground. Which is why painting rooftops and bridges is so easy.”  – banksy

A certificate to rebel?

I am angrier at the local art community than at Juanito Camilleri. They seem to have been waiting for an official certificate for them to be able to write or paint about vaginas, sexual lust and urges. Not all of them mind you. Alex Vella Gera has gone on record more than once that he would have preferred avoiding this mess. Others like Immanuel Mifsud have been quietly publishing thought provoking explicit stories without so much as a whimper. The impression from the “Front Kontra c-Censura” front is that of others who almost abet the nanny state concept. Artists don’t wait for their expression to be legal before expressing it. They express. The logic of it all – even within our supposedly archaic constrained legal order – is that if it’s art then it’s good.

That’s not how some of our artists seem to think. They are caught up in this anti-ism of Big Brother, Censorship Laws, etc and suddenly become all preoccupied about what is legal and what is not. Their primary concern is not art but legal art – and they themselves have wrought an ugly mental cage from which it is hard to get free. What do they want? Do they want a public list of dos and donts? The rules of the land are there to protect the weak. Art should be pushing the boundaries, provoking thought and ideas not waiting for the nihil obstat from society. Sure there’s a few risks involved especially if you get misunderstood but as the Realtà case showed… it’s common sense that magically and historically prevails. More often than not.


“Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it.” – Banksy



Think Different (1955-2011)

Is it hyperbolic of me to describe the death of Steve Jobs as something on the similar scale as living in the time of Galileo Galilei and being told of his death? Much will be written by many in acknowledgement of the greatness of this man and his impact on the globe. Us willing Apple Slaves feel like we have lost a part of us and still cannot get over the feeling that the world is not the same after Steve Jobs. But this is the man who told us : “Those people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are those that actually do.”

I found this old-ish video of Jobs speaking about values and marketing. Here  is how he launches the campaign “Think Different” – a value that J’accuse espoused from the start as a blog and will keep upholding for as long as this blog lives.

Thank you Steve.

Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. – Apple Inc.


and the birth of Macintosh’s magic in 1984



Dio é morto

Mi han detto
che questa mia generazione ormai non crede
in ciò che spesso han mascherato con la fede,
nei miti eterni della patria o dell’ eroe
perchè è venuto ormai il momento di negare
tutto ciò che è falsità, le fedi fatte di abitudine e paura,
una politica che è solo far carriera,
il perbenismo interessato, la dignità fatta di vuoto,
l’ ipocrisia di chi sta sempre con la ragione e mai col torto
e un dio che è morto,
nei campi di sterminio dio è morto,
coi miti della razza dio è morto
con gli odi di partito dio è morto…

f. guccini