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Long & Short 3 – Delia Clutching at Straws

“Irid ikun il-Kap tal-Partit li jrid ikun il-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni.” Adrian Delia, former Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Nationalist Party 1. FACT: This is rubbish being peddled by Adrian Delia. Pure and utter bullshit.2. FACT: Even if we consider the roundabout way George “standby” Vella will ask every single member to confirm their lack […]

Long & Short 2 – The Therese Comodini Cachia nomination

1. FACT: Therese Comodini Cachia has been nominated to the post of Leader of the Opposition of the House.2. FACT: She has been nominated because she enjoys the confidence of a majority from the largest group of members in the opposition. (read majority from among the PN MPs)3. FACT: Adrian Delia is still Leader (Kap) of the […]

Long & Short 1 – Delia Leader of the Opposition no more

The Delia is no longer Leader of the Opposition de facto post. 1. FACT: Delia no longer enjoys the confidence of the majority of opposition MPs in parliament.2. FACT: Delia himself made this information public right after the vote in his press conference.3. FACT: President George Vella knows of the two facts above, so much […]

La Liberta’

Vorrei essere libero, libero come un uomo. Vorrei essere libero come un uomo. Come un uomo appena nato Che ha di fronte solamente la natura E cammina dentro un bosco Con la gioia di inseguire un’avventura. Sempre libero e vitale Fa l’amore come fosse un animale Incosciente come un uomo Compiaciuto della propria libertà. La […]

Water Babies

How do you know that? Have you been there to see? And if you had been there to see, and had seen none, that would not prove that there were none … And no one has a right to say that no water babies exist till they have seen no water babies existing, which is quite […]

Watermarks: Projects and Burgers

The papers report that the deadline for the gas power station will be shifted for a third time. The government that loves to speak in terms of “deliverables and receivables” and other marketing bluff once again fails change words into action. There is worrying news about the actual tanker that is being converted too since […]