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Long & Short 3 – Delia Clutching at Straws

“Irid ikun il-Kap tal-Partit li jrid ikun il-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni.” Adrian Delia, former Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Nationalist Party 1. FACT: This is rubbish being peddled by Adrian Delia. Pure and utter bullshit.2. FACT: Even if we consider the roundabout way George “standby” Vella will ask every single member to confirm their lack […]

Long & Short 2 – The Therese Comodini Cachia nomination

1. FACT: Therese Comodini Cachia has been nominated to the post of Leader of the Opposition of the House.2. FACT: She has been nominated because she enjoys the confidence of a majority from the largest group of members in the opposition. (read majority from among the PN MPs)3. FACT: Adrian Delia is still Leader (Kap) of the […]

Long & Short 1 – Delia Leader of the Opposition no more

The Delia is no longer Leader of the Opposition de facto post. 1. FACT: Delia no longer enjoys the confidence of the majority of opposition MPs in parliament.2. FACT: Delia himself made this information public right after the vote in his press conference.3. FACT: President George Vella knows of the two facts above, so much […]