The debate on censorship, explicit language and Alex Vella Gera rages on. And J’accuse still has much to add. At some point yesterday Alex Vella Gera’s status on Facebook read as follows:
“Kemm qed ituni f’ghajni dan-nies kollha li qed jikkundannaw il-ban ta’ Ir-Realta, imma fl-istess nifs qed jghidu kemm l-istorja tieghi hija bla sens u bla ebda merti, u anke hmieg papali. My artist’s ego is taking quite a beating :)”
(I can’t stand all the people who are condemning the ban of “Ir-Realtà” while at the same time they say that my story is senseless without merits and a very dirty. My artist’s ego is taking quite a beating.)
I am sure I detect more than a little hint of irony in Alex’s statement and I am sure that he is not all too miffed about the criticism his story is receiving. What I wanted to make clear was that my point in Sunday’s article was more concerned with the existence of censorship at University, and on a larger scale in an adult community, than with the qualities of Alex’s writing.
Of course this does not mean that there is not a huge opportunity for a debate within the debate – this time focusing on the value of literary provocation with the use of realistic images or wording that require the narrator to pepper the imagery with expletives and graphic detail best described as cringeworthy.