
Borg-gate: il-bidla tkompli

Any resemblance to real persons is purely casual.

In which perceptions of the how and why Commissioners are chosen by the Maltese government continue to be analysed and in which J’accuse concludes that Joe Borg’s biggest defect is having been too good a fellow.

It’s incredible how the spin regarding fat cats and Brussels seems to have no end. The nationalists will probably pay dearly in the future for nurturing this misconception about EU jobs – particularly important, representative posts. The quib that J’accuse has with what is happening is mainly a question about the criterion that is being used for appointments to high places within the EU constellation. The nationalists and their lapdogs seem to believe that it pays them to portray certain decisions as being money oriented – and good luck to them for that. What we do get out of Borg-gate is a couple of spin-off conclusions that are all the more interesting for deciphering the current political atmosphere.

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The Truth Behind Denial

A journalist friend of mine recently quoted that famous maxim “don’t believe anything in politics until it’s been denied”. There is a ring of reliability about that maxim – it is after all the first reaction of most politicians to deny the truth until blue in the face. The sentence is undeniably pregnant with generalisations of the conspiracy theory kind yet history (small and big, long and short) has a way of proving it right time and time again. There will always be a denial that is proven right but try as you may to think of an example where denial prevailed you will inevitably end up with a list of lies: from Nixon to Clinton the attempt at drowning the truth with vociferous and indignant denial is long.

It’s not really a lie in most cases. It’s a denial. A denial of the occurrence of a fact – normally couched in sufficiently vague terms that might (I stress the might) allow some leeway at a later stage. That does not seem to be the case with Lawrence Gonzi this morning. The Times’ press digest includes the following: “The Times says that the Prime Minister has denied that Joe Borg was kept in the dark about Malta’s nomination for the European Commission”. Considering how the lady with moles has already implied that Joe Borg was offered an information meeting which he declined to attend we can all see where this is going. No prizes for guessing who the mole was either – I believe Joe Borg has intimated his annoyance at how people directly interested in “gravy train” (their words) posts were directly involved in the decision making.

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Thyme's Up

Where j’accuse deals with the recent discussions on the appointment of John Dalli, with the anger of Joe Borg, with the EU gravy train and with the meaning of working for the EU.

Yesterday evening I was invited to a special ceremony celebrating our cabinet secretary’s 20 years of service at the Court of Justice of the European Union (get used to that name : it’s the new Lisbon Treaty version as of today).  Around a score or more employees of this venerable institution were being feted with commemorative medallions for having spent 20, 25, 30, 35 or two score (yes there was one) years working for the Curia Europea. It was a short and sweet ceremony involving the usual doses of champagne (Massard), wine (Latour) and as far as I was concerned ubersugared orange juice. It was nice to see a warm side of the institution as gave thanks for years of faithful service.

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J'accuse: Decadent

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It suddenly feels like we are gate crashing into the month of December. One minute you were swimming at Ghadira on a hot August afternoon and the next Saint Nicholas’ feast is around the corner and you start to wonder whether this year’s arbre de noel should still be themed in black like last year’s. One thing is sure, I ain’t falling for the live tannenbaum this time around because that would mean another headache worrying about where and when to dispose of the dried-up carcass sometime in March when I’ve had enough of dead trees ruining the view in the living room.

The issue of dead evergreen conifera in the living room is currently relegated to the section of pleasures yet to come. What is really beginning to buzz are the usual retrospectives that one comes to expect at this point of the calendar year – a full 30 days and more before it actually ends. What makes this end of year special is that it signals the close not just of a year but of a decade – ‘the 00s’ – and the birth of a new one – ‘the teens’. This gives us the opportunity to look back and take stock of what has been and what could be in terms of the most natural numeral system that occurs to the ten-digit mammal that is man.

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Kicking and Screaming

What they said and what they meant to say:

I was not kicked upstairs. – John Dalli

(I’d like to think I was not kicked upstairs but everybody knows that I am only here because I was beginning to be a little uncomfortable downstairs.)

I have to say that the manner in which the decision was taken and, even worse, how it was sought to be justified afterwards, continues to baffle me. – Joe Borg

(I feel used. They should have told me from the start that “musical chairs” would get priority over the needs of the country. And by the way, why does that geezer with a Macchiavellian reputation get to advise Gonzo when we all know he wants to be either Commissioner in Brussels or (failing that) an Auditor in Luxembourg?)

When asked whether he believed the Prime Minister had the Nationalist Party in mind when opting for Mr Dalli, Dr Borg said: “I prefer not to comment – everybody can form a judgment about this decision for themselves.”

Oh Yes We Can.

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No Parking

Now it’s Balluta. And the biggest fuss being made is not even about the car park that is being proposed (a cylindrical park with lift to put cars in place) but about the fact that Ballutga residents can be “rowdy”. The comments on this article in the Times border on the hilarious – with variations on the “rowdy” theme and the continuation of NIMBY politics. Funny how the plot of land infront of the Tigulio landmark gets thrown into the ring. Will we ever learn that blocking the natural flow of water down the valley through Spinola into the water is never a  good idea? It’s too late for Sliema/St. Julian’s insofar as the parking of cars is concerned. Improve Public Transport once and for all and there will be no need for ridiculous plans. Simples.

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