Tag Archives: cohabitation

(Don’t) Kill Bill

Mark Anthony Falzon penned a piece in today’s Times called “Kill the Cohabitation Bill” in which he argues that the best thing to do with the cohabitation bill is to dump it or kill it.  “The Bill proposes to give rights to people who don’t need and/or want them and deny them to those who […]

The State of Our Unions

Chris Said must not be too happy with the reception that has been afforded the Civil Cohabitation Partnerships Bill. The MGRM and AD as well as the Civil Rights group Aditus have all slammed one aspect or another of the bill. It must be said that the greatest hype has been around the expectations that […]

Cohabitation stupid.

Over at the Runs there seems to be some backtracking about whether or not the JPO-PN arrangement is actually a coalition. It would seem that someone more competent than Daphne wrote a guest-post upon invitation clarifying why the JPO and PN arrangement is not a coalition: An Independent-Nationalist, not a ‘coalition’. Well there’s nothing new there […]

J'accuse: Say Cheese

At the beginning of the 20th century, Eastman Kodak introduced the Brownie camera in an effort to encourage families and consumers to “capture moments in time” without being too concerned with the amateurishness of their photographic efforts. The “kodak moment” was the photographic equivalent of carpe diem and had that kind of breakthrough effect on […]

Sacred Rights

So cohabiting couples should strictly speaking not be allowed to take part in the sacrament of holy communion. We were reminded that recently and suddenly there is a furore, a raising of the metaphorical ruckus and more by an indignated part of the populace. What do our Bishops think they are doing? Don’t they know […]