Tag Archives: European Parliament

The Lies that Bind Us

Alex Agius Saliba (Tander) Labour MEP and member of the S&D group is a liar. More specifically Alex Tander Saliba is lying about what happened in the European Parliament on Thursday 17th when the parliament voted on a resolution entitled “EU coordinated action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences”. The controversy drummed up at EU level has been taken to a different level in Malta thanks to the immigration controversy that is vying with COVID for top heading in the news.

The Beautiful Garden

The atmosphere at the European Parliament this Tuesday was surreal to say the least. Not being too familiar with the building I arrived just as the debate on the Rule of Law in Malta had kicked off and took a seat hurriedly in the visitor’s balcony. Just as I started to take in the different […]


Inevitably, the shift of the “Citizenship for Sale” controversy to the European Parliament has brought along with it a severe case of tabloid-itis to the Maltese discussion fora and social media. The British tabloid press is hugely responsible for a variety of EU myths and thrives on stoking anti-EU sentimentalism among the lesser informed throngs […]

Conscience, liberally speaking

François Hollande has found himself in quite a fix. His government is currently pushing the kind of law that is very easily labelled as ‘liberal’ (and consequently carries all the baggage that you might identify with the word these days). It’s France – the epitome of laïcité – and you’d expect the citizens of the republic to […]