Imre et lui déposèrent un dossier pour demander le statut de réfugiés politiques. L’hypocrite Rousseau qui dirigeait le service s’ingéniait a mettre des bâtons dans les roues des Hongrois qui affluaient. Comment prouver que vous êtes un fugitif, que votre vie est menacée quand vous avez quitte votre pays dans l’affolement?
– Il me faut des preuves, vous comprenez? C’est facile de dire que vous êtes pourchasses par la police politique. Si les Soviétiques sont intervenus, c’est a la demande du gouvernement hongrois que je sache et pour sauver ce pays de la contre-révolution des petits propriétaires. L’écrasante majorité de vos compatriotes approuve. Si ça se trouve, vous avez fui la Hongrie parce-que vous êtes délinquants ou que vous n’avez pas payez vos impôts. C’est a vous de me fournir les preuves, pas a moi. Pour l’instant, votre dossier est vide. Quand il passera en commission, vous avez intérêt a ce qu’il y ait du sérieux a l’intérieur. Sinon, ce sera refus. La France n’est pas une terre d’accueil pour les voyous étrangers! On a assez avec les nôtres.
(From Le Club des Incorrigibles Optimistes, Jean-Michel Guenassia) see translation below.
The lessons of history. We seem to have failed them. One of the biggest lessons that history teaches us is that man is constantly on the move. Whether conquering fellow man or discovering new worlds, homo sapiens sapiens has proven to be quite the globetrotter. Historic displacements have also been the misfortune of whole peoples from the biblical chosen people to the mass exodus of the sons of africa enslaved in their millions and taken to the new world. Few nations can claim to never have been part of a force or intended migration.
Orban’s Hungary is currently sticking out as a major opposer to any form of influx while building walls of discord and distaste. Only 49 years ago the people of Hungary had themselves tried to rebel against an oppressive communist inspired regime. By November 1956, the Soviet tanks had entered Budapest, purportedly upon invitation of the government of the time in order to quell the revolution. The sons of the soviets are now in Syria, supposedly on invitation of the benign Assad with the added excuse of fighting off the forces of the hated ISIS. The civil war and strife in Syria has displaced millions in a story now known to all.
It is part of those millions that are finding it hard to navigate the frontiers of Europe – particularly in places like Hungary where people with a very short memory seem to ask many questions about the real status of these migrants.
A short memory can be the downfall of us all. Much worse than a foreign invasion.
Read more about the Hungarian Revolution here.
“In the immediate aftermath, many thousands of Hungarians were arrested. Eventually, 26,000 of these were brought before the Hungarian courts, 22,000 were sentenced, 13,000 imprisoned, and several hundred executed. Hundreds were also deported to the Soviet Union, many without evidence. Approximately 200,000 fled Hungary as refugees.”
Imre and him submitted a dossier requesting political refugee status. The hypocrite Rousseau who ran the service specialised in putting spokes in the wheels of the flood of Hungarians who were arriving.
– I need proof, you understand? It is easy to say that you are chased by the political police. As far as I know, the Soviets intervened because your government invited them to do so, and this to save the country from the counter-revolution of the small owners. The crushing majority of your compatriots approuve. It could very well be that you escaped Hungary because you are delinquents or you have not paid your taxes. It’s up to you to prove this, not up to me. For the moment your dossier is empty. When it ends up before the commission you should very well hope that there is something more substantial inside. If not, it will be a refusal. France is not a welcome land for foreign hooligans! We have had enough of our own.