Tag Archives: iphone

Apps to Buy For

…your iphone of course. I am told by the lesser denizens of this earth that these apps are also available for non-iphone users. Anyway. I thought I’d give you a peep at the apps that have tickled my fancy recently. January 2011 might be a tad bit too late to wax lyrical about the power […]

Tap versus Swipe

It may sound like the latest cartoon/video game produced by some Japanese tech company but it involves a much more mundane reality than that. iPhone owners will immediately sympathize with this most basic of iphoning dilemmas – do you prefer the tap or do you prefer the swipe? Given the chance would you do away […]


Not fair. There’s 1,000,000 reasons why the word “upgrade” should be declared illegal. They’ll probably sell in one week in the US starting 24th June. Related articles by Zemanta Excitement, Unanswered Questions Greet iPhone 4 (businessweek.com) Mary Meeker: Innovation is Back (readwriteweb.com) What Is the iPhone’s Retina Display? [Iphone 4] (gizmodo.com) Apple Will Sell 100 […]

J'accuse for Web 2.0

It’s a simpler j’accuse but it’s getting loads of new features that are intended to allow you to integrate your blog experience with on-the-go networking. For starters, just as j’accuse was the first malta blog to have an iPhone interface we could not let that bit drop could we? We’ve added some new stuff. There’s […]