Blogspot Retro J'accuse

9 years – online in 2014

nine_akkuzaMarch 2005. There was a lot of pope about the internet then. Mugabe’s presence at some ceremony got pride of place in the blog commentary though there was no mispronunciation of the word “caso” to set the social media alight. Did I say social media? In March 2005 was barely a month old and Facebook was probably just a hint of an idea in some Harvard college.

Then was the time of insanabile cacoethes scribendi – the incredible urge to write. We blogged because we liked to blog and more than that we blogged because we could. Blogging as a mainstream thing had just begun its second decade of existence and was still in the process of causing some tremors in the online landscape. The MSM (mainstream media) reacted to blogs, almost indignantly pooh-poohing the independent army of keyboard freaks who had opened a huge crack in the world of “controlled media”.

Nine years ago blogs might have been an interesting way to get an immediate, independent take on the information going around the web. The thing is that most of that information was still in the domain of the old sources of information. Newspapers, TV and news groups had by then shifted to the net and there slant was not being complemented by the army of bloggers. Blogging was the thing to do… up until the blogger was awarded the Time Personality of The Year. A prize we will long cherish.

Then came social media – particularly facebook and twitter. Information – the sources of information – was multiplied to the nth degree and the power to comment upon anything was also disseminated exponentially. A biting blog post, a review, an insight – that became too slow. The age of clicktivism and clickteraction meant that blogs would be superseded by the outbursts of “trends” and “status updates”. The role of the blog – the real, old style blog – was changing and it was changing fast.

There was also a crucial moment with the rise and crash of Wikileaks and its founder. We learnt in one fell swoop how frugally the “truth” had been treated over all these years. Bloggers could not be so ambitious as to hope to be the guardians of independent and true scrutiny. When the veil of untruth was uncovered by Wikileaks it was already too late. Online meant a web of lies and truths confusingly intertwined. The consumer was not really in control. The netizen was living in denial.

Bloggers can still thrive. There is still a sense in blogging though it is a little different to that in 2005. As J’accuse turns nine we are aware that this medium required redefining and rebuilding. In the world of artificial intelligence and online tautologies spewed by the multitude on facebook and twitter the blog might serve the purpose of an anchor and reference point. I may be wrong. The time for this blog to wind up might have long come and gone.

This might be a blog that is in denial. There might be no place for this kind of reflection in this world of judge, jury and expert executioner by status update and commentary. Then again this might just be the very reason to kick off a new season with a new ambition and purpose.

This is the truth, if I lie.


8 years of J’accuse

This year’s blogging anniversary for J’accuse was lost amidst the chaos and confusion of a General Election. On the 10th of March 2013, J’accuse turned eight. Eight years of constant blogging have not only been a gratifying experience (for myself of course) but also an enriching one. This blog has evolved over time as has its readership. The advent of social media has meant that the blog becomes a tool for more specific – longer – reflections than the immediacy of Facebook or Twitter. J’accuse survives all the same.

With the 8th anniversary comes an important announcement. For the last few months J’accuse has transformed into a purely political blog and become less of cyclopaedic blog that comments upon everything. Furthermore, this has been the first campaign in which J’accuse openly backed one of the running horses – AD – as I felt that this would be completely in line with the editorial policy and beliefs of this blog.

The political side of this blog will no longer be a predominant factor however. The main reason is that over the last few months those to whom I am answerable by way of employment have frequently voiced their worry that my political opinions be associated with themselves – something to which they do not take too kindly. I stress that this is an opinion of theirs which I do not share but which I cannot ignore both out of respect as well as out of exigencies at the workplace. There is no doubt that “guilt by association” is very much alive in Maltese politics (and in the observation thereof) and that my continuing to voice my political opinion would risk the very consequences of such an association being perpetrated much to the chagrin of my immediate work superiors.

It is therefore with a heavy heart that I have agreed not to continue blogging about Maltese politics in this space. I would like to stress that everything that has been written up until this very post – from the very first post on the 10th March 2005 – is my opinion and my opinion only (for which I assume full responsibility) unless otherwise stated explicitly. Nothing contained in this blog should ever have been, or be, construed as reflecting the opinion of any individual, organisation, institution or party other than myself.

J’accuse will continue existing as a blog upon everything – pointing out the idiosyncrasies of life as an expat and observing life in Malta from a distance. Blogging is a vice as much as it is a pleasure. I sincerely hope that you continue to enjoy the posts from this blog at least with a fraction of the pleasure that I derive writing them.

Thank you so much for being with this blog until this point. Till the next post…  comment and be damned.


Dwar il-Maltin ta’ Barra

F’Awwissu tiskadili il-karta tal-identita. Kont qed intella u nniżżel għandix inġeddida.

Kulltant itik li tieqaf ftit. Hemm bżonn. Ħalli kif ngħidu aħna z-zingari “issorbixxi” aħjar dak li qed jiġri . Ovvja li jekk titkellem ma tistax tisma’, jekk tlissen ma tagħtix widen u jekk fid-daqqa u il-waqt tarma tgħajjat jiefqu jagħtu kasek. Allura tieqaf u “tipploka”. Għax hemm bżonn.

Tmien snin ilna. Aħna li tlaqna minn artna nesploraw u ninvestigaw il-ħajja lil’hinn min żokrot l-univers. Tmien snin li fihom skoprejna univers ieħor. Iġġerrejna tul il-kontinent il-qadim nitmattru fejn irridu u ngawdu il-ftuħ, il-wesgħa u d-differenza. Meta l-kontinent ma wesagħniex iktar morna niġru infittxu il-biżlejn għammiela ta’ kontinent ieħor – għatxana għall-għerf bħal kull filosfu erranti tas-seklu elfejn lebbitna ‘l hawn u ‘l hinn biex forsi narmu minn fuqna dik l-għera li konna tgħabbejna biha minn twelidna u li f’daqqa konna sirna wisq konxji taghħa.

Pijunieri konna. Kburin u imżatta. Tlaqna niġru meta qajla konna indunajna bil-ġmiel tal-mixi. Bnejna artali ġodda fl-eteru u ġibna ruħna bhal mitt papa – ilkoll nippontifikaw. Bħal Raleigh li ġie lura mill-kontinent ġdid bi pjanti ta’ tabakk u patata sirna għorrief tal-botanika. Mhux għax ma kellniex raġun. Tafu kif jgħidu l-Ingliżi… in the land of the blind, the one eyed man…. Hemm aħna – Ċiklopi -għaddejjin nippontifikaw. Sirna enċiklopediċi.

Sadattant f’żokrot l-univers rawna, iggustawna imbagħad beżqulna u beżquna. Ikkuppjawna, kasbru u kissru l-mini-artali ta’ progress li konna tant nittfanntsu bihom. Kull deni ħadnieh b’ġid. Komplejna kwieti għax konna ilna li għarafna li dak kien parti mid-destin miktub f’demm niesna. Destin li qatt ma jippermetti tkabbir magħqud imma tkissir imfarrad u maqsum. Dak ma kienx l-ikbar dispjaċir.

L-ikbar dispjaċir ħadnieh dan l-aħħar. Meta indunajna li konna ilna li xeddejna ilbies il-pijunieri, uniformet l-esploraturi, togot l-enċiklopediċi. Indunajna li konna tgħażżinna. Tlifna l-għatx għall-għerf u għal oħtu il-mistoqsija. Lanqas ma kien għad hemm lok għall-poeżija tal-elf għaliex. Ma konniex tgħaġinna fid-dinja ta’ barra fejn konna tfajna il-kappell. Le l-ebda Dukat ma qatt kien ser jissejjaħ darna. Imma konna tgħażżinna.  U għal mument tlifna kull interess f’dak li kien qed jiġri f’żokrot l-univers.

Allura tieqaf. Pawża meħtieġa sakemm tirranġa il-kumpass, taħsel l-uniformi u traqqam it-toga. Hemm bżonn. Ilna tmien snin issa li tlaqna min xtut artna. Jekk il-pass li jmiss għadu mhux ċar allura trid tieqaf u tipploka u issorbixxi.

Narawkom daqt.

Qabel Awwissu se nġedded l-ID Card. Biex tagħmel parti mill-Unjoni Ewropea trid l-ewwel tagħmel parti min pajjiż. Biex tivvjaġġa fiż-żona Schengen mingħajr passaport kull m’għandek bżonn hu ID Card (jew liċenzja tas-sewqan)… biex titlaq iddur fl-Ewropa trid tibda minn x’imkien.

U l-bidu dejjem kien ser ikun żokrot l-univers….

Din il-bloggata hija dedikata lill-Maltin ta’ barra u b’mod speċjali lil dawk li telqu minn Malta fl-ewwel nofs tas-sena 2004. Dan il-blog ser jieħu pawża qasira. Ir-ritratt huwa ritratt tal-belt ta’ Lussemburgu meħud mis-sema.


Now also for the Left

We’ve installed a new app on the J’accuse template. You’ve been complaining for some time now but the problem is finally solved. Left-handed readers of J’accuse will finally be able to enjoy the full blogging experience on J’accuse thanks to LeftInside™: the nippy little program that breaks down the barrier between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Firefox, Chrome and Opera users should notice the change immediately (n case you don’t just refresh the page and count till 3) while Internet Explorer users should get a life.

So there you are. J’accuse is now an equal opportunity blogging experience thanks to the wonders of science. Don’t thank me… thank the progress for the left!


Six Years of Quality Blogging

Today J’accuse turns six. We’ve gone a (very) long way since the 10th of March 2005. Both the national and international blogosphere have changed tremendously as befits the speed of change in the ether. From the definition of Wankellectual (first introduced on the 15th March 2005 when some bloggers had no idea the blog world even existed) to today’s commenting of the Jasmine Revolution we’ve seen all sorts of changes.

J’accuse never underestimated the power of the net. Thanks to  Mark Vella (Xifer – let’s give credit where it is due) and his constant nagging, I set up a blog and we kicked off somewhat hesitatingly back then. Six years. That’s an eternity on the net. We like to believe that although we provoke and criticise we do so fairly – in the supreme interest of the discovery of the truth. In fact, notwithstanding so many changes we insist on keeping one thing constant: quality blogging.

Which is why we urge you not to be selfish. Pass the word and share the (free) links. J’accuse… the truth if I lie… will still be blogging for a time yet (so you don’t have to).


Interesting Facts (will be updated)

Here’s a blogroll from our first year (2005), give us a shout if you recognise your blogname (I’ve put some authors in brackets). This, my friends was Blogosfera Mark I (apologies for the absence of (mostly dead) links:

Quod Principi Placquit

Triq il-Maqluba (Antoine Cassar)
Malta 9 Thermidor (Fausto Majistral)
Books & Beans (Pierre Mejlak)
Inutile de Dejeuner (Gybexi)
Wired Temples (Robert Micallef)
Ajjut! Ajjut! (A.O.)
Neebother (Justin BB)

In alio pediculum

Xifer (Mark Vella)
Xemx u Xita (Alex Vella Gera)
Nigredo (Nigredo)
Chef Condom
Toni Sant (as himself)

Illiud Latine dici non potest

Diverse Ramblings (Maltagirl)
Kenneth (the guy from Mellieha)
Lost in Thought (Sharon Spiteri)
Rites of Passage (hmm)
Thea (…) Planet
il-Krizi…u kif teghlibha (Alex Vella Gera)
Rupert Cefai (Bertu)
L-Istrordut Kroniku
Le Pont Mirabeau
Mill-Art (AVG)


For all of it’s current lease of life J’accuse has been based in Luxembourg City. It will be moving (along with us) by May 1st to Dondelange, a tiny village on the outskirts of Luxembourg City – follow the move on J’accuse.


Non Sequitur is the longest running rubrique of J’accuse. It has not yet reached 100 posts.


Last year J’accuse introduced the Zolabyte – a running series of guest posts inspired by the original J’accuser Emile Zola.


J’accuse was awarded a prize for quality blogging at thê THINKABOUTIT! blogging competition organised by the European Journalism Centre (EJC).


J’accuse is also available on twitter, facebook and as a column The Malta Independent on Sunday.


J'accuse on One News

J’accuse featured on Sunday night’s ONE news item about the cyber warfare going on in Egypt. Here is the item in question: