Tag Archives: leader of the opposition

George fought the law and Adrian won

PR 201337 – “Press Release from the Office of the President” does not feature on the DOI Press Release page. It should be there since PR 201336 and PR 201338 are both on the page. I tried to find out whether the President’s Office that has its own PRO had distributed the PR through the […]

Delia’s Crazy Catch 22

It’s a crazy cycle in Maltese political and legal life but every now and then a public exponent decides to unearth his own version of Joseph Heller’s Catch 22. The latest to jump on the bandwagon is none other than the Dar Centrali resident-in-chief Adrian Delia. Fresh from his visit to dithering President George Vella, […]

Long & Short 3 – Delia Clutching at Straws

“Irid ikun il-Kap tal-Partit li jrid ikun il-Kap tal-Oppozizzjoni.” Adrian Delia, former Leader of the Opposition, Leader of the Nationalist Party 1. FACT: This is rubbish being peddled by Adrian Delia. Pure and utter bullshit.2. FACT: Even if we consider the roundabout way George “standby” Vella will ask every single member to confirm their lack […]

Long & Short 1 – Delia Leader of the Opposition no more

The Delia is no longer Leader of the Opposition de facto post. 1. FACT: Delia no longer enjoys the confidence of the majority of opposition MPs in parliament.2. FACT: Delia himself made this information public right after the vote in his press conference.3. FACT: President George Vella knows of the two facts above, so much […]

The Constitutional Matters (I)

The Presidents’ prerogative is qualified with the words “in his judgment” though I doubt if George Vella can come up with a plausible reason to deny all evidence pointing to the obvious. Delia no longer commands the confidence of a majority of opposition MPs. His appointment to Leader of Opposition should be revoked.