Tag Archives: Mafia

The Mafia State

“Come evitare di parlare di Stato quando si parla di mafia?” Giovanni Falcone Il-Bord huwa sodisfatt, u l-indikaturi huma kollha f’din id-direzzjoni, illi għalkemm il-movent mhux sa llum bi preċiżjoni stabbilit, ma hemm xejn x’jindika li l-assassinju ma seħħx għal raġunijiet direttament marbuta malinvestigazzjonijiet li kienet qed tagħmel is-Sinjura Caruana Galizia fuq allegazzjonijiet serji ta’ […]

The Horse's Mouth

One of the basic tenets of journalism that probably everybody and his brother has heard about is the principle of the 5 “W”s. It’s a concept that underpins the writing of a complete investigative answer by asking the questions “Who? What? Where? Why? and When?” and trying to provide an answer to all of them […]