Tag Archives: Malta

New Rules on Travelling to Malta – Is a fantasy 14-day rule unjustly ruining travel plans?

Most of yesterday’s post was based on public declarations of what the new measures for the 14th July would be as well as on the preliminary reactions by the Commission. The Legal Notice “Travel Ban (Extension to all Countries) (Amendment Number 4)” was published yesterday. As expected, the L.N. “fixes” the terms that had been […]

Id-Dehen lil min jaħkimha

Għaliex 40,000+ qatt ma huma se jkunu biżżejjed biex jirbħu lura ruħ pajjiżna Kattolċi, Latini u Ħaddemin Il-Malti huwa poplu nisrani. Hekk għadha tistqarr l-ogħla liġi ta’ pajjiżna : “Ir-reliġjon  ta’  Malta  hija  r-Reliġjon Kattolika Apostolika Rumana.” (Artiklu 2, Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta). L-innijiet taż-żewġ partiti li jissieltu għat-treġija tal-pajjiż it-tnejn jassumu li qed iwettqu r-rieda […]

Ban the Bikinini

  A French court has given some reprieve to the burkini craze that struck the last part of the crazy summer news. After several French beach-side resorts had banned the wearing of the burkini at the beach things had gotten even hotter with a few incidents of aggression. We had also seen some officers of […]

Article 42, ISIS and neutrality

There has been quite a flutter in Malta since Francois Hollande decided to invoke article 42(7)  of the Lisbon Treaty. Even without the eccentric shenanigans of former PM Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, questions were being raised as to how and to what extent Malta would be committed thanks to this invocation. I thought of providing a […]

Those Colourful Racist Imbeciles

It’s just idiots. Venting their anger (or vehemently opposing this or that idea) on facebook. At least they should be dismissed as such. The problem though is that they often represent a more generally held sentiment – held even among those who do not regularly frequent Zuckerberg’s fake mirror of society. A picture has been […]

This State of Independence

The festivities have begun in full earnest and Malta is soon to be proclaimed a 50 year old independent state. With the 50th anniversary we also get the reopening of the silly season. There’s a “let’s all love each other” approach by the two main parties – each proclaiming some kind of goodwill about what […]