
The Statesman of the Dead



They’re not gone. The boats full of hopefuls attempting the dangerous crossing are still there. We might have shifted our media attention to the new parliament but wave upon wave is still being intercepted – only yesterday a couple of hundred persons were to be distributed between Sicily and Puglia.

The problem remains notwithstanding the incredible show of caring and compassion that was put up by Europe’s leadership in the wake of  the 800 dead. I use my words carefully. It is Europe’s leadership and not the EU that is guilty of the dragging of feet and of an overall reluctance to deal head-on with the issue. Juncker tried hard to push the leaders into doing more but in the end the EU remains the sum of many parts and without the real determination of those parts to look the issue of immigration in the face we will not move on.

They’re not gone. We have managed simply to focus on one part of the problem that had hitherto not got the attention it deserved. European leaders chose to focus on the people smugglers. They are base beings who profit on other people’s misery. It is the 21st century form of slavery in many ways. The only difference is that the price paid is by the very people who are being trafficked and not by a European buyer. The Europeans stand aloof disgusted at the large numbers and threats to their integrity – rushing to the latest wagon prepared to brandish populist ideals.

Smuggling is part of the problem.  One German scientist observed that a flight to Europe from central and Saharan Africa costs less than the trips of death. Why don’t more immigrants use that route then? Simple really. Through legislation the European states have made sure that airlines are burdened with the “processing” of individuals before they even set foot on the departure gate. No visa, no flight – so forget processing for refugee status unless you are prepared to submit to the ordeal of trial by Mediterranean Crossing. In other words we (the Europeans States) force the immigrants into that route.

Processing centres in Africa? Just look at Spain’s underhand collaboration with Morocco in the case of Ceuta and Melilla.  Seriously? Meanwhile much of Europe mourns Italy’s abandoning of it’s earlier programs. They had begun to serve as a buffer zone. Renzi managed to make some noise thanks to the 800 dead and Joseph Muscat was quick to join the dance.

You had to be stupid not to realise that there is some sort of arrangement going on between the two. Muscat has arranged to “deal” with the dead while Renzi would transform Italy’s south into a showcase of the impossible nature of dealing with such a huge wave of arrivals. Muscat put up a show with the ignoble grandstanding surrounding the burying of the souls of the unidentified. Ah yes, unidentified. It really turned out that the bodies were only useful for the show for the media. When relatives turned up in the hope of identifying the dead they were refused access to the body. Human? Who are you kidding Joseph Muscat?

Some corners of the press were quick to hail Muscat’s roundabout turn in policy – from pushback to statesman they said. I don’t see how this latest cynical move qualifies as statesmanship. A hundred years from the Gallipoli campaign when Malta proudly stood up as the Nurse of the Mediterranean all Muscat has managed to do is transform our island into a supersized Charon, the ferryman of Hades.

One can only wonder what coin was placed in the mouths of the dead in order to appease our modern day Charon.

Campaign 2013

The last rites

No. I am not ignoring what is going on in Parliament. How can you? On the other hand I still am amazed at how ridiculously shallow is the level of political assessment in this country of ours.

Kudos, first of all, goes to Lawrence and his “team” for having managed to string together a mini-Med summit that will go down in the annals of history as yet another photo snapping opportunity for a group of 10 leaders who sat together all bearing the same expression of “why the hell am I here?”. Sure, Med cooperation and plans are great and necessary but we know much more than go fawning at the foot of an idea that had lain frozen since the last meeting in 2003, lived in a coma right throughout enthusiastic Sarkozy’s “Mediterranean  Union” and proved to be worth jack shit at the time of the Arab Spring.

Anyways, after the Arab spring we get this cocktail-glass-clinking event that gets us a bit of tarmac, Monti giving the obsequious nod about security in the Mediterranean, Lawrence Gonzi spouting some circum tauri about the common values and aspirations of these nations and … oh yes… there will be an MCAST in Misurata. I am told that Arriva officials panicked at the idea of getting thousands of schoolboys to the college across the sea in time. (Just kidding, I’m not that stupid you know… if I were I’d have planned the new transport system in Malta and would be running for elections as a certain party’s future promise).

Which brings me to the Allies continually battling the Axis of Evil and who face Armageddon single-handedly. Why oh why are we still bothering with Franco and Jeffrey? Well one reason is that Gonzi’s PN are trying to make some point of pride and “we shall not be moved” business. Which is beginning to look damn silly. You know, the kind of silly as surrounds the kid who is caught with nutella all round his mouth and bread crumbs on his shirt and claims “I’m not eating in class miss”. Yep. Gonzi and his PN are strolling around with pie all over their face and they don’t seem to be bothered one bit.

Meanwhile, across from Pieta and over to Hamrun you have the other bunch of idiots. They are swooning and swaying all over that gullible piece of work that is Franco Debono – egging him on to get at Austin, Joe or whatever tickles his renegade fancy. The Earl Grey sipping dork still believes that he is somehow remotely relevant to the business of government and accountability when in actual fact his actions (and those of his companion in crime) belie the true base nature of his intentions. Were it not clear enough we now have the concerted effort between the Paladins of Progressivism, the Cavalier of Democracy and the Sipper of Teas to get a debate and motion onto parliament’s agenda that smacks of desperate opportunism to say the least.

Gonzi must have been hoping that it would come to this. The PM seemingly busy with his ultra-important tête-a-tête with nine leaders of state while Labour scrabbles for the floor and whinges and whines in order to get a very very important motion on the table of the house. What motion? Well …. it’s a motion about plans to privatise the management of car parks. Well actually it is a motion about plans to privatise the management of car parks …. that have been shelved. AND Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando – still playing at the game of “we care so much for the people and are duty bound to represent them” have been performing somersaults trying to slip in a motion of no confidence in Austin Gatt.

What a sad and sorry bunch. Labour’s high and mighty appeal about all the woes of our nation and then just look at what kind of subject they want to use as a motion of no confidence that might (in their hopes) bring the government down. A utility measure? A budget bill? IVF? Immigration? What else could it be? Hell no… it’s a shelved plan for a car park. This coming from a party whose exponents are not ashamed of  representing a party that gives off all the signs of having no clue about what to do when in government.

Franco and Jeffrey? Less said about them the better. Jeffrey’s intellectual prowess when it comes to defending arguments is tantamount to “unfriending” people whom he disagrees with. Shallow and transparent does not even begin to describe him. Franco – well enough has really been said about Franco. He can no longer hide behind grand plans of reform – legal or otherwise. If ever they were close to his heart then he lost them some time ago and he has definitely succumbed to the battle of nerves.

As for the party in government. You get the feeling that just before the end of summer they had sort of sniffed out an exit strategy – one that could be a repeat of the famous “snatching victory from the jaws of defeat”. Something has gone very Pete Tong though and this must have happened on or around the Independence day festivities. The guess here at J’accuse is that the PN has opted to focus on the wrong issues and hit the wrong targets. Above all, the PN is repeating the same mistake that it risked committing in 2008 – the same mistake that Labour persists in committing every election. What mistake? Simple. The mistake of treating your electorate like absolute fools and taking their vote for granted.

We will definitely be seeing new efforts at denigrating the wrongly called “floating voter” (not floaters as that tautological fool Musumeci calls them) the closer the election gets. J’accuse has a message for these people (yes, that includes you Mario Vella) – stay strong and don’t vote before you’ve got their attention. Every single one of them. Including those who will tell you that (alas) you are setting yourselves up as objects of hate right before they rush off and vote intelligently with a huge number one next to the name of … Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.



Trid tkun vaganza kulltant biex troddlok lura il-perspettiva li tkun tlift mat-triq tar-rutina u l-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Minkejja li għoddni għaddejt ġimagħtejn sew Malta dawk ma servewnix għal dan l-iskop. Dal-weekend morna Nizza. Jumejn kollox. Tlaqna il-ġimgħa u lura l-Ħadd tard filgħaxija. Sabiħa wisq Nizza. Mhux sabiħa fis-sens turistiku imma fis-sens storiku u ċiviku. Hija stampa ċara ta’ belt (metropoli? il-ħames l-ikbar belt Franċiza) Mediterranja miftuħa u konxja tal-wirt storiku u mħallat tagħha. Iva għandha l-monumenti u toroq imsemmija għal dawk li fi zmien ieħor issieltu mat-Torok (Catherine Segurane) imma mill-ewwel jinħass li din hi kollox barra Belt magħluqa fl-isterjotipi.

L-ilsien dejjem jgħin u dak in-Nicois ftit Taljan, ftit Franċiz u ftit Katalan huwa bieb miftuħ beraħ għal infuzjoni ta’ ħsibijiet. Ma tistax ma taħsibx fl-iSqalli ta’ Camilleri jew fl-inkwadri imsawra fil-kitba ta’ Naghouib Mahfouz. It-toroq tal-Vielle Ville iserrpu u jsaħħru filwaqt li l-ħwienet ibiegħu l-aqwa pjetanzi u prodotti tal-baħar f’qalb id-dinja. Għalhekk tiekolx socca (magħmula miċ-ċiċri) jew pan bagnat kull ma trid tagħmel hu li tagħlaq għajnejk u timmaġinak f’Nizza rumana bi prodotti Feniċi u spezji ta’ Lvant Nofsani qed jitwasslu fuq il-ġifen li x’iktarx mess ma gzira ftit il-bogħod.

Qishom aħna, jiġik tgħid, tarahom fil-kju tal-ferry għal Sardinja u Korsika. Seta’ kien l-iMġarr. Qishom aħna, tistħajjel tgħid bl-imħabba tagħħom għaż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, it-tadam imqadded u l-ħut. Qishom aħna bil-bajjiet iperpru bnadar ta’ kull ġens (ir-russi moda hemm ukoll). Qishom aħna idawru sold fuq storja u kultura u xemx u baħar hux. Qishom aħna bil-bajjiet iperpru l-bnadar qawsalla simbolu ta’ ftuħ li kull ma jmur isir ovvju. Qishom aħna bin-nisa jgħumu kif iridu – l-forom kollha tara fuq il-bajja : 50 shapes of human – mingħajr pulizija jarrestawk għax kxift xi żejża żejda.

U insomma. Forsi ma qishomx aħna sa’ l-aħħar. Forsi tmur Nizza u tinduna x’għandna aħjar minnhom u x’jonqosna biex inkunu bħalhom. Imma fuq kollox tinduna kif hemm timbru ta’ stil ta’ ħajja, ta’ filosofija mondana, li huwa deċiżament Mediterran. Dak l-ispirtu li tagħlaq għajnejk int u tigdem Orżata u jiġik dritt f’moħħok / intix l-Exiles jew il-Cote d-Azur. F’dawk in-naħat ta’ Nizza u Marsilja qatt ma tilfu il-Mediterraneita tagħhom. Kien passaport miftuħ li jwasslek min Aleppo u Beirut sa Ġibilta u Lixandra sa Genoa u Venezja. Passaport li jiżboq it-Tuneżin, l-iSpanjol, it-Taljan jew il-Malti. Fi żmien l-imperu kont tgħid Cives Romanus Sum u tgħidha bi kburija.

Illum. Forsi hemm bżonn niskopru l-għana u r-rikkezzi ta’ xi tfisser li tkun Iben-il Mediterran.

Nizza. It’s nice.