Tag Archives: Paceville

We are all an accident waiting to happen

Insofar as national tragedies go we had a couple of headline filling “incidents” over the last month that led to discussions on safety in different environments that are normally linked to entertainment. First there was the Paqpaqli incident where a supercar mowed into a crowd of bystanders causing injuries upward of three score and a mini-emergency crisis […]

B’xorti tajba

Lura Malta ghall-btajjel tal-Milied. Sabiħa s-sħana li tilqgħek bi nar u ġġiegħlek taħseb li l-bagalja ħwejjeġ sħan qajla se jintemssu. Inqas sabiħ il-bard ġewwa d-djar li qisu ħadd ma sab tarfha. Dan l-aħħar kull meta niġbor il-karozza tal-kiri u nsuq lejn Paceville inħossni qiegħed fil-film Johnny Stecchino ta’ Benigni u l-frażi dwar kif it-traffiku saret s-saħta kbira […]

L-aħħar tad-dinja

Hemm rokna f’Paceville fejn bosta jaħilfu li raw l-aħħar tad-dinja. M’hijiex eżattament l-istess tip ta’ rokna bħal dik ta’ Adams fejn wieħed seta jitpaxxa bil-bidu u tmiem l-univers ad eternum waqt li jordna steak biċ-ċips fir-ristorant f’tarf l-univers. Le. Ir-rokna li qed nitkellma dwarha hija waħda kemmxejn mudlama għax ilhom li qatgħu qalbhom li jsewwu […]

Taxi Taxi

How many more times will we see taxis speed through the streets of Paceville as though their life depended on rounding the next corner like a crazy Le Mans driver? I  went out for dinner with the family in our home urban conglomerate yesterday and walking back home past Burger King in the direction of […]

Ars Culinaris

J’accuse rarely ventures into the field of culinary blogging or, for that matter, of restaurant reviewing. We do drop a mention of a place that has tickled our senses every now and then but we very rarely sit down to blog simply to write poems and sing songs about one particular establishment. Well the time […]


The tragic circumstances of the death of Osama Al Shzliaoy will undoubtedly rock the boat on a number of issues that are periodically touched upon in our public debates and politics. Sunshine was knocked down “outside a nightclub” (pace Times report) and succumbed to serious head injuries a few days later. Coming as it did hot […]