Mediawatch Politics

We are all an accident waiting to happen


Insofar as national tragedies go we had a couple of headline filling “incidents” over the last month that led to discussions on safety in different environments that are normally linked to entertainment. First there was the Paqpaqli incident where a supercar mowed into a crowd of bystanders causing injuries upward of three score and a mini-emergency crisis in our establishments of health and cure. A little later, and almost in parallel with the return of the ugly face of terrorism in Paris, we had an unhappy incident in an entertainment establishment in Paceville where a sudden stampede was once again the cause of much mayhem, much trauma and much panic. Finally we had a tiger on walkabout (in an estate dotted with planning illegalities) being provoked into attacking a little boy – said provocation consisting in said little boy running in the general direction of the tiger who did not appreciate this sudden rush of adrenalin. Still. Damage there was, pain even, and this was caused by a tiger in what is for all intents and purposes an establishment tainted with various illegalities.

This being the age of social media and the hashtag it is rather a surprise that the hashtags #jesuisPaqpaqli, #jesuisPaceville and #jesuislenfantdeMontekristo were not trending in yet another demonstration of pointless Pharisaical empathy that will be forgotten come the next hashtag – be it #goDestinyforEurovision, #lowunemployment or #CHOGMrocks. What should be trending in fact is a hashtag made out of those words used by the lawyer who lends his signature to Mr. Polidano for affairs legal when he said that most times these are “accidents waiting to happen”.

In fact, given the general institutional and public reaction to the sum of these tragedies we can safely say that the hashtag #weareallanaccidentwaitingtohappen should become part of the Maltese heritage. It fits nicely not just in the case of Paqpaqli, Paceville and Montekristo but also whenever your average fireworks factory explosion occurs, whenever there is the latest cowboy accident on the place of work, whenever political requirements bow to the avarice and greed of the building industry … should I continue?

Paqpaqli was one mess short of a babylon of cock-ups. It proved incontrovertibly that our nation is nowhere near being equipped for that kind of messy patchwork excuse for running powerful engines over short distances. Did we learn anything? Hell no. Prime Minister Muscat has announced that part of his panem et circenses programme in the coming year is the holding of the World Drag Racing Championships in Malta. Why? Our idea of what is and what is not suitable for an island slightly smaller than Manhattan is twisted beyond belief. I would expect us to hold the World Igloo Building Championships in Malta next August. It would be as stupid a decision as holding a World Cup in Qatar in summer. Only an administration as corrupt to the neck as Blatter’s FIFA could come up with that. Wait a minute…

Paceville. Poor old Paceville. Always the den of iniquity that has become synonymous with Malta’s Hell. Over the years it has been obvious that those who ever try to come up with some form of “regulation” for the place are really people who have a plan of transforming a brothel into some kind of centre for social rehabilitation. If we fail to accept that Malta has its own version of Las Vegas strip of entertainment and that it is of itself a possible touristic attraction then we will fail into obtaining some sort of sense of order. The distinction between imposing martial law and understanding that the entertainment must and can go on but for the instilling of a sense of responsibility when it comes to dishing it out.

The starting point of proposals about Paceville must be how to improve the value of entertainment there, not how to kill it completely. I have always advocated as a starting point that the transformation of the old enemalta building into a centre for civil coordination would be a brilliant way to kick off the games. Think a permanent V18 for Paceville – P2K as in Paceville for the third millennium. Policing and health needs would be centred around the entertainment zone that would be detached from the St Julian’s and Swieqi dependency it has suffered until now. Public-private charters and standards could be established – from common safety regulations, to common security training and common evacuation strategies in collaboration with civic defence. Campaigns on drink driving could be co-ordinated with the different modes of transport that get to the city. Those obnoxious white taxi drivers could be relegated into oblivion. Cleaning times, projects and promotions could be coordinated by all the stakeholders. Above all this should be done in a liberal manner and not with the approach of complete and utter sanitisation. There is no point in transforming Paceville into what it is not. Will the politicians move on this? Highly unlikely. Not when the powerful stakeholders in the area have them by their short and curlies.

Montekristo. Which brings me to Montekristo. The place should be shut. The animals should be exported to the closest zoos. Malta is no place for tigers and lions. No cage should be but their time in captivity might require gradual reintegration. Animal rights apart (Where was Marlene Bonnici by the way? Or are animal rights only useful to justify the Euro Parliament presence?) the whole Montekristo story is a clear example of how the authorities will continue to pay lip service to cowboys such as Polidano. Not only will they bark a few words about the animals (Muscat tried the Ali G trick with vegetarians – “you either eat a chicken or I will  kill another one” became “we would have to kill the animals if we closed the place”) but they will continue to patronise the place for their political activities. We are all an accident waiting to happen but who gives a flying feck?

There you go. That is what your politicians would do on average when it comes to accidents. They will tell you they are sorry to have seen it happen, they will tweet their condolences and support, but in the long run, we were, we are and we will remain an accident that is waiting to happen.



B’xorti tajba

2013-12-20 22.45.57

Lura Malta ghall-btajjel tal-Milied. Sabiħa s-sħana li tilqgħek bi nar u ġġiegħlek taħseb li l-bagalja ħwejjeġ sħan qajla se jintemssu. Inqas sabiħ il-bard ġewwa d-djar li qisu ħadd ma sab tarfha. Dan l-aħħar kull meta niġbor il-karozza tal-kiri u nsuq lejn Paceville inħossni qiegħed fil-film Johnny Stecchino ta’ Benigni u l-frażi dwar kif it-traffiku saret s-saħta kbira tal-pajjiż tibda thewden ġo moħħi.

Kullħadd mgħaġġel. Ftakart fil-program dwar crowd management li smajt dan l-aħħar fuq Radio 4 u dwar kif il-folla ma taħsibx b’moħħ prevedibbli. Li hemm żgur hu li it-traffiku malti għandu numru ta’ regoli innati li jikxfu egoiżmu sfrenat li jiżboq kull sens ta’ kollaborazzjoni sabiex jittaffew il-problemi. Maqbud ġo impromptu traffic jam ġewwa t-trejqiet ta’ madwar Sacred Heart (għax triq reġjonali kellha tiżvojta minħabba l-enneżimu inċident) r-radju weħel fuq il-ONE. L-aħbarijiet.

Tisma ftit dwar l-problemi tal-ittogati li kellhom party ġewwa l-awli sublimi tal-qorti (żibeeeel – kif jgħidu Sempliċiment tat-Triq fl-album “Qum Minn Hemm” li xtrajt mingħand il-Ġugar). Issa apparti li huwa ovvju li l-arrest arbitrarju illi seħħ huwa parti mit-tapizzerija unika u assurda tal-politika istituzzjonali maltija, u apparti li l-indinjazzjoni popolari setgħet tinħass kull fejn tisma jew taqra dwar l-eventi odjerni. Apparti dan kollu. Laqatni l-użu tas-sentiment popolari mis-Segretarju Parlamentari Owen Bonnici – qallu “the people ARE significant”. Xejn ħażin ta’ imma r-retorika tal-poplu li tfakkar f’sommossi u rivoluzzjonijet ma tkunx neċessarja jekk l-istituzzjonijiet jitħaddmu sewwa. Impeachment, Owen, u ħallikom mid-diskorsi dwar x’taħseb il-ġamaħirija.

L-istess Chris Cardona. Mar dar dawra il-ħwienet tal-Belt. Imnalla m’għadekx trid tħallas biex tidħol fil-kapitali wara s-sagħtejn għax issa tal-ħwienet tad-deheb u tat-Tommy Hillfiger jistgħu idawru sold li kien ħarab lejn tas-Sliema sal-Milied ta’ qabel. Cardona qisu ġa għamel survey xjentifiku għax ġa qatagħha li l-kummerċ żdied. Il-Milied it-tajjeb u n-nefqa għaqlija lil kullħadd.

Iżda tal-ONE żammew l-aħjar għall-aħħar. Kellhom servizz dwar it-traġedja li seħħet fit-Tijatru Apollo ta’ Londra. Indarbu 79 ruħ qalulna, 9 minnhom gravi. Issemmew xi anedotti dwar kif xi nies preżenti stħajlu lilhom infushom ġewwa minjiera tant kien hemm trab. Il-qarrejja qalhet li waqa’ “soffett” (sic) u imbagħad ħarġitilna l-coup de grace: “B’xorti tajba ma weġgħux Maltin”. Tiskanta. Kienet tgħaddi din il-frażi, qisha m’hi xejn. Imma filfatt hija riflessjoni ta’ kif jaħsbu bosta nies.

Fejn taf sinjorina qarrejja tal-aħbarijiet tas-Super One? Forsi mhux ix-xorti li żammithom il-bogħod mit-tijatru drammatiku lok ta’ drama. Forsi il-Maltin li qiegħdin għall-btajjel Londra kienu bieżlin ġo Oxford Street u Primark jimlew il-basktijiet tax-xiri u jistgħanaw f’orġja kummerċjali minn dawk li tant tfantas biha l-Onorevoli Cardona. Mhux għalihom il-ħin moħli jaraw ir-reċta dwar “The curious incident of a dog in the night”. L-għażla wisq probabbli tmur fil-kjuijiet quddiem kaxxieri tal-ħwienet tal-High Street Londoniża, jimbuttaw, jixxalaw u fuq kollox jixtru. Is-sentiment popolari hemm qiegħed, taf int. Il-kejl tagħhom, il-kejl tagħna lkoll.

U b’xorti tajba ma jweġġa’ ħadd.

2013-12-21 00.27.39
Paceville. It-triq tan-nies.


WARNING: You might find the content of the following video offensive. I’m afraid it might be terminal and it could be too late for a cure. Press play at your own risk.


L-aħħar tad-dinja

Hemm rokna f’Paceville fejn bosta jaħilfu li raw l-aħħar tad-dinja. M’hijiex eżattament l-istess tip ta’ rokna bħal dik ta’ Adams fejn wieħed seta jitpaxxa bil-bidu u tmiem l-univers ad eternum waqt li jordna steak biċ-ċips fir-ristorant f’tarf l-univers. Le. Ir-rokna li qed nitkellma dwarha hija waħda kemmxejn mudlama għax ilhom li qatgħu qalbhom li jsewwu l-bozza f’dawk l-akkwati. X’iktarx iva milli le tkun mistura wara karozza ipparkjata eżatt mal-bankina u kemm kemm imqabbża l-barra. F’din ir-rokna ir-riħa hija waħda kiefra u tinten. Danteska. Tifwiq l-iprem għafrid imħallat mal-bass tal-iktar xitan moqżiez ma jibdewx ma riħet ir-rokna fejn tara l-aħħar tad-dinja.

Il-bankina tleqq, lixxa lixxa, għax tgħidx kemm il-boots u żarbun inkallat għadda minn fuqha u ippassiġġja. Ftit il-bogħod għandek issib ir-rifjuti u miżbla tar-ristoranti. Kaxxi mitfugħin fuq xulxin u li imtlew b’dak li ħallew warajhom il-patruni. Il-loqom u l-għadam huma t-truf liminari illi wieħed jilmaħ ftit qabel ma jassisti għat-tmiem tad-dinja qisu bħal donnu dak l-iskanetru f-nofs deżert.

Tarahom in-neofiti neżlin minn żokrot pajjiż il-ħala, ix-xorb u ż-żina. Tagħrafhom jitbandlu f’estasi mistika ta’ edoniżmu li kull ma jmur ikun qed iċedi għar-realta tal-limiti fiżiċi. L-aħħar flixkun jintelaq għal għonq it-triq u l-aħħar tazza tissabbat għal ġewwa xi parappett. Is-sigarett jintefa’ ħesrem u jitkaxkru sa tarf il-bankina fejn tibda x-xena – dejjjem jekk int tkun ippreparat.

U hemm. F’daqqa waħda – hekk kif l-aħħar qtur ta’ gost u sakra jiċċerċru minn ġewwa il-vini tal-akkolit – jinbeda r-rit. “Daqshekk”. Il-ħalfa titlissen jew imqar tinħaseb. “Qatt u qatt iżjed ma terġa tkun.” Il-wegħda solenni tiftaħ id-danzi u kull min hu preżenti jagħraf li wasal il-ħin. U fis jinstemgħu seħtiet diżumani indirizzati lejn Moloch, Baal u Jack Daniels bil-Coke. L-ewwel spażmi vjolenti taċ-ċelebrant jissarrfu f’dagħdigħa ikbar u iktar vjolenti. “Minix se mmiss grokk ieħor ma ħalqi”. Saħħa biex ilissen dik il-wegħda m’għandux iżda il-ħsieb regħedlu s-sentimenti ta’ ġismu bil-qawwa tiegħu.

Ħsiebu fis-sakra itektek bil-għawġ. Il-palpitazzjonijiet mentali jitwaħħdu mal-mewġa rabbjuża li ħierġa minn stonktu. Ma jiflaħx iktar. Qiegħed f’tarf is-sensi u dak l-univers li sa ftit ta’ ħin ilu kien il-wens u l-moħba tiegħu issa sar ħabs li bżonn għandu biss li joħroġ minnu. Dik id-dinja. Dik id-dinja mibnija b’tant investiment, grokk wara grokk, kanzunetta wara kanzunetta – dik l-istess dinja issa ried jobżoqha u jeqridha u le jerġa jara wiċċa.

U l-isplużjoni tasal. Ġismu bħal donnu jiżvojta u mal-vodka u l-martini, man-nachos u l-lumija, bħal donnu iħoss ruħu ħierġa tingħi u tipprotesta. Id-dinja spiċċat. Dak il-ħin ikun lest jaħlef li raha tintemm quddiem għajnejh. Ikun lest jaħlef li ra ‘l Alla. U ftit qabel ma jintelaq għal tulu f’nofs l-univers żgħir ta’ madwaru mitluf minn sensieh ikun lest jaħliflek li illejla d-dinja reġgħet bdiet mill-ġdid.

Hemm rokna f’Paceville fejn bosta jaħilfu li raw l-aħħar tad-dinja. Jekk tmur illejla taf issibhom għadhom qed ilestu. Tgħaġġel xejn, għada jisbaħ ukoll.


Transport Values

Taxi Taxi

How many more times will we see taxis speed through the streets of Paceville as though their life depended on rounding the next corner like a crazy Le Mans driver? I  went out for dinner with the family in our home urban conglomerate yesterday and walking back home past Burger King in the direction of Wembley (Saint George’s Road) at least three white taxis sped past us without any concern for pedestrians.

In every case, without fail, the taxi driver would have one hand on the wheel and another on his phone – deeply engaged in conversation. Hands free? Why? All the talk about the PN’s strong fist with all things transport and yet the Taxi Drivers Inc (the white taxis) still rule the land in Paceville. The area opposite Burger King is their territory. Double, triple, parking and the walls of the former Enemalta building used as a latrine.

Cowboys of the road and harassers of tourists. That is all they are. Will someone -administration, police or whatever – be strong enough to get some order with these energumens? I doubt it. Venture in any city abroad and taxis stick to their designated places. If you need a taxi, you walk to the taxi stand. The taxi does not plonk itself in the middle of the most vibrant part of the area only to zoom away at turbo speed in what should be a maximum 15 km/h zone.

Hope? My guess is that the taxi drivers are probably mostly part time canvassers for some politician or other. Given the trend in that department it would hardly be surprising.

In this country we don’t solve problems. We nurture them.


Ars Culinaris

J’accuse rarely ventures into the field of culinary blogging or, for that matter, of restaurant reviewing. We do drop a mention of a place that has tickled our senses every now and then but we very rarely sit down to blog simply to write poems and sing songs about one particular establishment. Well the time has come to do so and that is because this restaurant nestled in the heart of Sodom (aka Paceville) merits every bit of attention your eyes, your palate and your pocket can afford. This is not a restaurant review – we do not purport to be vested with that kind of expertise – this is a standing ovation that was virtually imposed by the delivery of good food in circumstances that exalt the importance of normality.

It goes without saying that Malta’s Best Restaurant (as per J’accuse) is based in Paceville. Sandwiched between on the one hand the shooter-shop clad steps that lead to the ex-O’Caseys (now a shisha bar of minimal furbishment) and on the other the ever popular Eden Cinemas that still enjoy the virtual monopoly of Hollywoodian vision on the islands is a lovely mainly fish restaurant that serves Italian inspired delicacies. The motto chosen by this establishment is “arte nel cibo” (art in food) and believe you me that art it is and food you will get.

If like me you hate the fancier side of eating out (and by fancy I mean the silver service rubbish with a waiter dedicated to topping your glass every time you dare sip out a few millilitres of the liquid) then fear not. At this restaurant you will get all the attention you deserve with the ubiquitous presence of a few ultra-efficient serveurs. Wine will be topped, chilled, decanted or whatever tickles your viticultural nerves without too much of that formal kow-towing that tends to transform a formal night out into some rigid masonic ritual.

La carte is simple without too much fluff. At the end of the day your choice is mind-blowingly basic – fresh fish or (if the creatures of the sea are not your idea of mmm) then chunks from beasts of the land are available in different forms therein to sink your teeth. Do listen to what the knowledgeable persons have to say about the specials of the day but if you are particularly curious to find out the best of what this kitchen has to offer then you will love the Menu Degustation – best ventured into in groups of 6+.

I will not describe the food itself nor the creations that I and my happy companions tasted on that particular night. I will only urge you to take a special evening out and head straight to Sciacca – for that is the establishment’s name. Sample the art that is all around you – from an unintrusive but pleasant decor to the simple delicacy of every morsel that is on offer. The only gripe I could find is the missing Gewurztraminer from the wine list – but that is a very personal gripe and peccadillo and the Australian Riesling was just fine in its stead.

So there you go. Head over to Sciacca today, or tomorrow, or as soon as you can. Trust me. It’s worth it.

Sciacca – arte nel cibo – is in Paceville, St. Julian’s.



The tragic circumstances of the death of Osama Al Shzliaoy will undoubtedly rock the boat on a number of issues that are periodically touched upon in our public debates and politics. Sunshine was knocked down “outside a nightclub” (pace Times report) and succumbed to serious head injuries a few days later. Coming as it did hot on the heels of the court case that practically exonerated a bouncer from any wrongdoing in a death caused in similar circumstances the comparisons and conclusions will be inevitable.

Whether it is Fabrice Muamba or Osama Al Shzliaoy who is battling for life in a hospital, the effect is always such as to inspire great manifestations of solidarity. English football, fresh from weeks of scandals involving racism that peaked with the Suarez-Evra debacle needed the events of the Tottenham v Bolton encounter in order to be shocked into sensibility about respect for your brother. Or did it? Whether the global displays of affection are simply a passing fad related strictly to the facility with which an sms, a text message or a tweet is sent out remains to be seen. After all football has been there before – many times – only to revert to the booing, the banana throwing farces that are a shame for the sport.

But what about Osama? Sunshine seems to have been guilty of wanting to have a good time in Paceville. I had an Estonian guest over the weekend and I asked what she thought about Malta. This blonde from the North had great memories of the island (could be the fact that her beau hails from there) but I was particularly struck by here awe at the size of Paceville. That’s all really – awe… that so much entertainment can be found in so little a space. It does strike you as sick that depending on the colour of your skin and the tint of your hair you could come away with such a different experience from Paceville.  It’s not the Estonian’s fault of course.

We saw it in the evidence given in the last court case where the defendant championed by an aspirant parliamentarian (minister perhaps) had a panoply of witnesses from the entertainment industry prepared to swear on oath that the black man in question (sic) was a regular troublemaker. The court listened and the jury acquitted. The jury mind you. Men from the street – your average man called upon to believe a sworn oath for what it is and then to fulfil their duty. The jury system might have become an anachronism in this day and age – particularly with the selection practice that has developed over time.  Could the jury system be a problem causing an imperfect application of the law?

But back to Osama. Was his death foretold the day the Abubaker jury went out? Was there suddenly a license to kill “immigrants”? Does it tell us anything about racism? Knee-jerk reactions will put their proverbial two and two together and conclude that the fault lies at the feet of lady justice. It’s the law that is to blame isn’t it? And a life nowadays costs approximately 500€.

But that is too easy. Too simple to be true. I see intolerance before I see racism. I see discrimination between a caste of people who can be above the law and others who will suffer the consequences. The bouncer and the bouncer’s world is not the simple world of racism where “black” is discriminated against. It is the “I do what I want” because I am backed by powerful people. It is the world where rights are eschewed for brute force and naked muscle.  Even more worrying is that the brutes will find their rent-a-politician who will mentally muscle his way past the pestering laws with one hand only to blame the legislation and call for reform from the benches of the opposition with another.

The problem behind the deaths of Abubaker and Osama is not racism. It is intolerance and lawlessness. Paceville is just another petri dish where this is brought to light. I believe Deguara when he says that “he is not a racist”. Not a racist in Lowellian or Nazi terms. Deguara just has his list of priorities as a bouncer. His priorities were twisted and they would lead him to use disproportionate force in what he believed to be execution of his duties. The comfort zone of protection for people in his “profession” would even lead to exaggerations – there are no checks and balances because there are people out there who will stick up for you. On oath. In court.

Then Osama gets beaten up and is left for dead. It’s the bouncers again? Are the suspects bouncers? We have read that the suspects are Romanian. Sure. Foreigners. They’re only trouble. Right now the problem is putting the issue in perspective. What is the criminal we are looking for? What is the crime?

There is violent aggression in a very public place. Racism would classify it as a hate crime. Was Osama killed because he was black? Was he killed because his aggressors felt they are above the law? Or was this another crime in what has become the cowboy, unregulated world of entertainment in Paceville?

Our reaction to this crime is just as important as the laws that we will apply. All too often we create ghosts that are not there that distract us from the real problem. Will the sad case of the death of “Sunshine” Osama be relegated to another case of noisy distraction?


markbiwwa has also blogged on the subject here.