Mediawatch Politics Travel

The Pastizzi of Kyrgyzstan


Michael McFeat is a Scot gold miner in Kyrgyzstan. A couple of days ago, during the holiday celebrations, he posted a photo on Facebook showing his mates at the mine queuing up to eat a Kyrgyz delicacy called chuchuk that is apparently a sausage made up of parts of horse. In his caption to the photo McFeat described the national dish as resembling a horse’s penis. Which is when all hell broke lose. His fellow miners threatened to strike and began a petition for his arrest. Indeed, his arrest followed promptly and he is now accused under Kyrgyz law of inciting racial hatred and risks five years in prison. All this for comparing a national dish to a horse’s penis.

It’s one of those comic bits of news that tend to lighten up the New Years’ roll-call – comic that is, unless you are Michael McFeat. He’s unlucky this Michael. If luck had its way he would have been in Malta instead and snapped a photo of a queue outside one of our many pastizzeriji. He would then have been quite free to post it on facebook with a caption stating that Maltese tend to form queues in order to get their hands on a dish that resembles a womans’ private parts. It’s no secret either. There are parts of the country where pastizz is slang for vagina – and these tend to be parts of the country that tend to have a more real “feel” of the language.

McFeat would never have ended up in prison. Well. We cannot say that with absolute certainty can we? Not with the amount of crazy that goes into applying the law on the island of developers and salesmen. You can see it kicking off with a petition while the online barrage of attacks of “Go back to your country” and “Don’t touch my pastizzi” kick off.

The President of the Republic might deem it decorous to step in and defend the plate of the poor people launching a Pastizzi Telethon featuring all the VIP’s of the land in defence of the pastizz. Meanwhile the Prime Minister will immediately negotiate 25 pastizzi kiosk concessions along the islands shore (on ODZ land of course) dubbing it the Wignacourt Circle of Pastizzi. In a speech on National Television Muscat will stand on a custom made pastizz-shaped lectern and grind his teeth menacingly at anyone who threatens to instil the fear of the pastizz among the population. Anyone who criticises the pastizz is negative, and anyone who is negative has no point in living.

Is this too fantastical? Is it too far-fetched? Are you sure? As 2016 stepped in with an Alice in Wonderland message by Joseph Muscat framed in lie upon lie upon lie we would do well to ask more questions of whatever is fed into our heads – particularly whatever is fed into our heads about what it means to be Maltese. The danger is that the few values that are left that distinguish us as a nation risk making pastizzi out of all us.

Happy 2016. May it bring a heavy dose of critical-mindedness, may it whisk away any traces of gullibility and may it signify a return to the discovery of a set of values that define us properly as a nation within Europe.

It’s either that or pastizzi.


Arts Travel

Pastizzi United


Ikla tajba ġewwa Paceville intemmet b’mixja qasira – għad-diġestjoni – madwar it-toroq imxarrbin tal-Belt Internazzjonali ta’ Pace. L-għażla kulinarja kienet waqgħet fuq ikel Ġenoviż, korteżija ta’ Profuma Di… ristorant mill-iprem ġewwa l-ħallata ballata ta’ gosti u kċejjen li bħalu joffru biss bliet wisq iktar kożmopoliti bħal New York, Brussel u Londra.

Ħin minnhom bqajt immeraviljat li ġo firxa ta’ mhux iktar minn ħamsin metru l-voti kellhom jitqassmu bejn ikel Għarbi, dak Indjan, dak Ċiniż jew Ġappuniż jew xi sure bet nostran bħal ma jaf ikun l-istituzzjoni imsemmi The Avenue. Morna Ġenoviż u xejn ma għalejna. Mill-focaccie sal-ħanżir jgħum fil-ħalib u jċafċaf fil-ġobna prelibati sas-sorbet mill-ifjen li jqarrasslek wiċċek ma kull kuċċarina imma, kif jgħid Mark, imexxi ħriġna minn hemm kuntenti. Quelli come noi…

U imxejna sa ħdejn il-bandli… ħadna “id-dawra” ta’ familja Għawdxija-Paċevilljana li aħna: detour ta’ xi mitt metru, xejn iktar, kemm biex nieħdu ġelat (taljanissimu) mingħand Rivareno. Bnin kien, imma żejjed – tant li ma flaħtx nieklu kollu. L-ewwel ftit lagħqiet għażilt li neħodhom fit-triq barra wieħed tal-pastizzi li hemm biswit tal-Agenda u hemm assistjet għal xena gustuża.

Qabelxejn irrid ngħid li xi jumejn ilu, waqt diskursata filosofika ġewwa Michael’s il-Belt, konna qed niddiskutu il-preġji tal-pastizz. Tkunux psataz. Kien mument tal-għola ħsieb gourmand xieraq tal-Gault Millau u Michelin. Kemm ngħidilkom li l-gilljottina inqatgħet favur formation ta’ “tnejn u tnejn”. X’jiġifieri? Jiġifieri li qbilna li meta tkun xrobtlu naqa jew jiġik dak l-aptit tard bil-lejl l-aħjar ordni għand tal-pastiżżi hija dik li twasslek biex tiekol tnejn tal-irkotta u tnejn tal-piżelli. Imbagħad tajjeb ukoll li tkun mogħni bir-Rennie, Maalox jew Gavison tal-mument.

U lura għax-xena. Mela qiegħed niggosta l-ġelat bil-kwiet u nosserva frustier (raġel mhux Malti u li għadu la xtara passaport Malti u lanqas ma kiseb wieħed b’xi mod iktar konvenzjonali) jistaqsi lil tal-ħanut dwar in-natura tal-ikel kollu li għandu fid-display…

“And this? What’s inside this? What is it made of”

U l-ieħor bil-paċenzja kollha tal-Virġilju Dantesk jagħtih tour tas-sorsi kollha tal-infern ta’ kolesterol illi taf toffri kull vetrina tat-Tejkewej Malti. Rajtu imħasseb lix-xerrej. Kellu għażla tqila quddiemu. Bejn qassatat jobżqu l-ful, bejn ross il-forn ileqq it-tjubija, bejn timpana ssejjaħlu għas-sess orali immedjat, bejn il-karnefiċina ta’ pizzez varji kont naħlef li ma jħarisx darb’oħra lejn pastizz. Wara kollox dan ma’ kellux il-black belt tal-ikel Malti li kollha kemm aħna inrabbu tul snin sħaħ ta- inizzjazzjoni…

Tistgħu timmaġinaw għalfejn – kieku ma kellix il-ġelat f’idi – tħajjart nagħmel ovazzjoni spontanja lil das-sinjur frustier u għalfejn ħassejt fawra ta’ Brotherhood of Man denja ta’ l-iqwa lirika ta’ Imagine meta smajtu ilissen dawn il-kliem:

“I’ll have two of the cheese and two of the peas”..

Għall-pastizzi kien qed jgħid. U mingħajr ma jaf ikkonferma l-algoritmu mistur illi x-Xirka ta’ Wikkiela Avukati kienu ikkonkludew li teżisti fid-DNA Tagħna Lkoll. In pastizzi united…

Arts Mediawatch

Say Cheese

The Spanish parliament has just made EUR 15b worth of budget cuts (by one vote) and Malta can afford to discuss communion to cohabitants, hypothetical coalitions, Daphne Caruana Galizia, Lou Bondi and whether secularism is a disease. Damned lucky country. – Fausto Majistral