Tag Archives: rule of law

Il-poplu magħqud qatt ma jkun mirbuħ

Dan id-diskors li ktibt fl-okkazjoni tal-ewwel manifestazzjoni għall-Ġustizzja li saret ġimagħtejn wara l-assassinju ta’ Daphne Caruana Galizia. Għadu rilevanti iktar minn qatt qabel. X’intom tagħmlu hawn? X’inġbartu tagħmlu għal darba oħra madwar din l-għajta għall-Ġustizzja? Għadkom ma xbajtux? Għadkom ma għajjejtux? Ħarsu waħda fuq il-lemin u fuq ix-xellug tagħkom. X’ġew jagħmlu hawnhekk dawn in-nies illum? X’inhi […]

The Progressive Left

Listen to what Malta’s left has to say. Listen to the political arguments on the systemic failure. The neoliberal experiment has failed. This is the answer to the assertion of the lackeys of the government who go on television to tell anyone who still has the patience to listen that “is-sistema ta’ Muscat hadmet”. 10 […]


Poezija ta’ Antonio Tufigno Kelb kien xamm riħa ta’ ħami,Beda jinbaħ bla waqfienBil-frakass u l-kjass li għamel Gozz widnejn qamu flimkien. B’dan l-allarm hekk tqajjmu l-ħnieżerĠo nofs raqda b’naħra fondaKontra qalbhom iċċaqalquĦarrku ftit is-sonza tonda, Għax kien hemm min qed josserva,Xi falkuni hekk frustieri.Ma setgħux fit-tajn jiċċaftruJew jinħbew fil-kantunieri. Konfrontati bl-għajnejn fissiTal-għasafar hekk attentiKellhom bla gost […]

Whispering a revolution

This article first appeared on the Shift news. In May 2017 I co-founded a group called the Advocates for the Rule of Law. We took out a full-page advert on The Times of Malta in which we announced vacancies for the proper functioning of democracy. That was the beginning of a brief campaign in which we raised […]

The People vs the Government of Malta

Last night, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe voted overwhelmingly to approve a report on Daphne Caruana Galizia’s assassination and the state of the rule of law in Malta. The resolution  listed a series of “serious concerns” over the investigation into the murder of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, and demanded the setting […]