Tag Archives: rule of law

Corradin No

A reader joins the increasing number of J’accuse contributors. “As You Are” kicks off his contributions with a poem called Corradin No.   Corradin No Maltese politicians will never know what it’s like to do time at Corradino and then, when it’s over, to go back home to your mum, or your girlfriend, or your […]

The part I don’t take

The list of speakers for tomorrow’s Civil Society Demonstration has been published and readers by now will have noticed that I am one of them. I have seen comments directed at me both on the Times and Independent articles on the event. According to one commentator I was an obvious choice because I wrote “against […]

The Long Haul

“The murder of blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia triggered off a difficult moment for Malta, but it should not be allowed to derail the country’s long-term plans, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today.” Muscat was speaking in a pre-recorded message to the audience of the EY annual conference in Malta. It had to be a video tape […]

No, I am not emotional. My head is cold.

The exchange in court between Minister Cardona’s lawyer and Matthew Caruana Galizia prompted me to start a meme using Matthew’s reply. #iamnotemotional. Later I received a private message from a member of Daphne’s family pointing out that the full quote that day included the phrase “My head is cold”. Eleonora saw this exchange and was […]

James Debono at the Civil Society Demo

Reproduced with the kind permission of the author. Nhar it-Tnejn Daphne inghatat il-piena kapitali minn xi hadd li tant hassu omnipotenti li ddecieda li jhassar mid-dinja gurnalista li bil-pinna taghha kienet saret tehdida… Meta smajt l-ahbar hassejt vojt…il-vojt li thoss meta thoss li pajjizek tilef bicca minn ruhu. Ghalhekk wara giet ir-rabja. Xoghol il-gurnalist mhux […]

Blasphemy the redundant

The first edition of Charlie Hebdo since the unfortunate events of last week is out tomorrow. The world has been given a preview of the front page which depicts a tearful prophet holding up a placard with the “Je suis Charlie” slogan. The background is in green – the colour of Islam – and the title […]