
Collaborate and Be Damned

Today’s Times will carry the news that all those who “cooperate” in the introduction of divorce, including judges who apply the law, would be “committing a grave sin”, according to the head of the Church tribunals.” And they’re at it again. Before you get involved into some giant backlash of church vs state, ceasar vs god, layman vs believer etc etc may I urge you to consider conversion. It’s not that difficult. The Lutheran church will admit you with a rebaptism. You will still be christian but without the cobwebs and barmy eejits behaving like latter day ayatollahs such as the head of the Church tribunals. It is after all matters such as these that instigated the great reformation by Luther. Consider it. Seriously. With a big enough rate of conversion I’m prepared to bet heavily that members of the church will suddenly revise its position on what constitutes grave sin.